The Star Wars Beam Weapons
Star Wars Directed-Energy Weapons
17 Oct 2006, Judy Wood and Morgan Reynolds, v. 0.5
(Due to the seriousness of this issue, we felt it was important to present the analysis and data as soon as possible. (Following the murder of my student, Michael Zebuhr, an extraordinary human being, I received an email stating, "we've done it before and we will do it again if need be.") Therefore, expect this website to be added to and updated over the next few days. Michael told me, "Whatever happens, don't ever stop pursuing this. It's too important." Michael, this is for you) More
The Psychological Operation Aspect of 9-11
Comments by Jerry Leaphart on Deanna Spingola's radio show, 3/11/11.
12 March 2011, by m. edward godward. (original: galactictides)
9/11: Distinguishing The Propaganda From The Smoking Guns
2 September 2008, by CB_Brooklyn [offsite]
Jim Fetzer introduced first-time guest John Hutchison on "the Dynamic Duo", 28 February 2008, in a very odd way. Does Jim Fetzer seek the truth? "The flack is always the strongest when you're over the target." This aggressive and pernicious debunking effort confirms where the target is! |
9/11 and The Hutchison Effect An Ace in the Hole Part III
2 September 2008, by Andrew Johnson [offsite]
9/11 and The Hutchison Effect An Ace in the Hole Part II
19 August 2008, by Andrew Johnson
The Hutchison Effect and 9/11 - An Ace in the Hole? Part I
1 March 2008, by Andrew Johnson
Transcript: Introducing first-time guest, John Hutchison
6 April 2008, transcript by "Archie"
Links to Technical papers, Technical presentatons,
and other informaton on the Hutchison Effect
Ace Baker's Failure to Debunk the Hutchison Effect
10 March 2008, by Judy Wood
The Hutchison Effect and 9/11 Handling the Truth
6 April 2008, by Andrew Johnson
The Hutchison Effect and 9/11 The Chips Have Fallen
11 March 2008, by Andrew Johnson
PRESS RELEASE: Appeal Filed in 9/11 Qui Tam Case of Dr Judy Wood
1 August 2008, Press Release by Jerry Leaphart (local copy)
PRESS RELEASE: Appeal Filed in 9/11 Qui Tam Case of Dr Judy Wood
1 August 2008, Press Release by Jerry Leaphart (PRLog)
Potter Column: We are all Native Americans today
15 September 2001, by John Potter
Manufacturing The Apocalypse
19 June 2008, by Andrew Johnson
New Study by former Professor Examines Hurricane Erin on 9/11/01
19 May 2008, Press Release by Andrew Johnson
9/11 Weather Anomalies and Field Effects
19 May 2008, by Judy Wood, intro by Andrew Johnson
9/11 Truth Seekers and Campaigners
Its Your Lucky Day!
19 May 2008, by Andrew Johnson
The 9/11 Truth Movement, Free Energy Suppression and the Global Elites Agenda
19 May 2008, by CB_Brooklyn
Promoting Non-Violence -- a Letter to Alex Jones
23 April 2008, by Attorney Jerry Leaphart,
signed by: Dr. Judy Wood, Dr. Morgan Reynolds, John Lear
cc: US Attorney, SDNY
Honouring the Real Truth of Ground Zero
20 February 2008, by Keith Mothersson
PRESS RELEASE: Scientists See WTC - Hutchison Effect
30 January 2008, Press Release by Andrew Johnson
Scientists See WTC - Hutchison Effect Parallel
30 January 2008, Press Release by Andrew Johnson
Anomalies at the WTC and the Hutchison Effect
12 January 2008, by Judy Wood and John Hutchison
Billiard Balls and Momentum
29 December 2007, by worldtradecenter
Legal Documents to download: |
Request For Correct filed with NIST
Qui Tam Case
filed in Federal Court, Southern District of New York
Qui-Tam, documents, filed
March 21, 2008, Judy Wood, represented by Jerry Leaphart
Qui-Tam, documents, filed
March 3, 2008, Judy Wood, represented by Jerry Leaphart
Qui-Tam, documents, filed
February 29, 2008, Judy Wood, represented by Jerry Leaphart
Final Response to Request for Correction from Dr. Judy Wood,
original filing dated March 16, 2007
10 January 2008, by NIST, Richard F. Kayser,
Acting Deputy Director
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
USPS mail from Richard F. Kayser to Dr. Wood, dated January 10, 2008
Extension of NIST review for Dr. Judy Wood Request
29 September 2007, email from ___ to Dr. Wood
Acting Deputy Director
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Qui Tam Law Suit Unsealed
12 September 2007,
filed 25 April 2007, by Judy Wood, represented by Jerry Leaphart
APPEAL of NIST initial denial dated July 27, 2007 (7.9 MB pdf)
22 August 2007, by Dr. Judy Wood
Response to Request for Correction from Dr. Judy Wood, dated March 16, 2007
27 July 2007, by NIST, Catherine S. Fletcher
Chief, Management and Organization
National Institute of Standards and Technologydataed July 27, 2007,
USPS mail from Catherine Fletcher to Dr. Wood, dated July 30, 2007
Extension of NIST review for Dr. Judy Wood Request
29 June 2007, email from Catherine S. Fletcher to Dr. Wood
Chief, Management and Organization
National Institute of Standards and Technology
WTC7: Complaint for Injunctive and Declaratory Relief filed
7 May 2007, Ed Haas and Jerry V. Leaphart
Response from Juventino R."Rich" Garcia via fax
Directed Energy Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory/DEO-PA, Kirtland AFB NM
4 May 2007, from Rich Garcia to Jerry V. Leaphart
DEW Information follow-up letter to response from the Office of Public Affairs, Directed Energy Directorate, Kirtland Air Force Base
3 May 2007, from Jerry Leaphart to Rich Garcia
Qui-Tam, documents, filed
25 April 2007, Judy Wood, represented by Jerry Leaphart
Qui Tam case filed
25 April 2007, Judy Wood, represented by Jerry Leaphart
RFC: Supplement#2 to RFC submitted earlier (320 kb)
Supplement#2 to PROD01_00
20 April 2007, Judy Wood
DEW Information Request Letter, with comments
7 April 2007, Judy Wood, comments by Jerry Leaphart
MEMORANDUM To: Dr. Judy Wood (232 kb)
30 March 2007, Jerry V. Leaphart, Attorney
RFC: Supplement#1 to RFC submitted earlier (28 kb)
Supplement#1 to PROD01_002667
29 March 2007, Judy Wood
RFC: What Happened was Not Inevitable (6.5 Mb)
16 March 2007, Judy Wood
(Other pdf resolutions available here.)
RFC: What Planes? (80 kb)
8 March 2007, Morgan Reynolds
Effort to halt government WTC7 investigation launched
1 March 2007, Edward F. Haas
Presentation made by Jerry Leaphart, challenging the official story
14 Dec 2006, The National Construction Safety Team (NCST)
Justice for Michael Zebuhr
Aluminum Glows
1 Mar 2006, janedoe0911, Judy Wood and Michael Zebuhr
Justice for Michael Zebuhr
a blog for research and updates
on the murder of Michael Zebuhr
The team casts a crankcase from aluminum.
source: Popular Mechanics
9/11 Weather Anomalies and Field Effects
1 May 2008, Judy Wood
(ongoing series)
Anomalies at the WTC and the Hutchison Effect
12 January 2008, Judy Wood
(ongoing series)
Molecular Dissociation: from Dust to Dirt
16 May 2007, Judy Wood
(ongoing series) For audio, see here, as well as individual pages
The Star Wars Beam Weapons, Star Wars Directed-Energy Weapons
5 January 2007, Judy Wood and Morgan Reynolds
(ongoing series) For audio, see here.
Thinking About 9-11, the Truth, and the Official Movement
26 June 2008, by Cathy Garger, (original: axisoflogic)
Rules of Disinformation
Including Articles by H. Michael Sweeney
False Memory Syndrome: Misinformation and Memory, and the Creation of New Memories, Including Articles by Elizabeth F. Loftus
Vortex Gravity Control
2004, presented by Paul Richard Price at the STAIF 2004 conference
Scholars' WTC Report Appeal acknowledged by NIST
29 September 2007, by Jim Fetzer
Acting like a Grown-up
27 September 23 2007, by Steven Jones, Ace Baker, Morgan Reynolds
Gorillas in the Midst: Perceptual Conformity
21 September 2007, in honor of JP
Professors Make Legal Challenges to NIST 9/11 World Trade Centre Report
8 September 2007, by Andrew Johnson
Professors Make Legal Challenges to NIST 9/11 World Trade Centre Report
7 September 2007, DANBURY, CONNECTICUT, Legal News
Nice Guy Kevin Barrett Spins 9/11 Planes: A Peer Review
5 September 2007, by Morgan Reynolds and Judy Wood
I Had a Car Crash
11 September 2007, by Roadrunner
with Comments on Newton's Third Law by Dr. Morgan Reynolds
Stories of September 11
26 August 2003, by Douglas Longenecker
Supporting Evidence for No-Planes and DEW (exotic weapons)
26 August 2007, excellent posts by Ace Baker and others
from www.nineeleven.co.uk/
Excellent Summary by "underscribed"
The 9/11 "official truth movement's" new cover-up
15 August 2007, excellent posts by "underscribed"
from forum.911movement.org/
Directed Energy Weapons and the World Trade Center
(alternate pdf format)
Issue 45 | fall 2007, paranoiamagazine.com
2 August 2007, by Len Bracken
Explosions or Collapse?
The Semantics of Deception and the Significance of Categories
(undated), by C. Thurston
Thoroughly Discredited
August 14, 2007, by Jeff Strahl
A Touch of The Hidden Hand?
Is the Next False Flag Attack on US Soil Near?
28 July 2007, by Andrew Johnson
Weighing the Evidence
23 July 2007, by CB_Brooklyn
9/11 Truth is Truth 101 (An Apple is an Apple)
22 July 2007, by Matt Kjeldsen
Transcript of "Micronukes vs Thermite/Thermate at WTC"
27 June 2007, Transcript by Andrew Johnson, Footnotes mainly
by Andrew Johnson, with additional comments by Prof Judy Wood.
Chopper 5 Composite: An analysis of the live WNYW helicopter video of UA Flight 175 striking the World Trade Center
June 2007, by Ace Baker
A Ladder 9 Murder
Death Of FDNY 9/11 Vet Probed As Murder
24 May 2007, comment on wnbc news article
XXX (needs editing)
A physicist critiques Steven Jones' new paper
21 May 2007, by Stephen Phillips, Ph.D.
On the Manipulation of the 9/11 Research Community
17 May 2007, by James Fetzer, transcribed by Jeannon Kralj
Invitation to post a simultaneous response letter Response1
Email from Steven E. Jones to Judy Wood
Email from Judy Wood to Steven E. Jones
Invitation to post a simultaneous response letter Response2
Email from Steven E. Jones to Judy Wood
Email from Judy Wood to Steven E. Jones
DEW Sponsors and Department of Defense Contractors
25 April 2007,
Reading Between The Lines -- Jenkins/Wood interview revisited,
Text, Subtext and The Truth About DEWs
10 April 2007, transcript by Andrew Lowe Watson, with added pictures & comments
The Desert of the Real: the Soul of the World
7 April 2007, The Unapologetic Mexican
"Thinking for Ourselves" (mp3)
An interview with Judy Wood, Ph.D.
6 March 2007, A Slave Planet Interview
Dr. Greg Jenkins' "Directed Debunking Energy"
and Prof. Judy Wood
1 March 2007, by Andrew Johnson
The New 9/11 Hijackers?
February 2007, by Andrew Johnson
Why Indeed Must it be Controlled Demolition?
An informal critique of Dr. Jones' hypothesis
30 January 2007, "Who"
The Greg Jenkins Analytical Method Ignores the Facts
28 February 2007, by Andrew Lowe Watson
Highlighting Directed Energy Weapons May Save the World from War
8 February 2007, by Andrew Lowe Watson
The Scientific Method Applied to the Thermite Hypothesis
14 December 2006, Judy Wood and Morgan Reynolds
Presentation made by Jerry Leaphart, challenging the official story
14 Dec 2006, The National Construction Safety Team (NCST)
Why Indeed did the WTC Buildings Disintegrate?
23 Aug 2006, janedoe0911, Morgan Reynolds and Judy Wood
28 Aug 2006, nomoregames.net, Morgan Reynolds and Judy Wood
Reynolds & Wood Try to Help Steven E. Jones
27 Aug 2006, nomoregames.net, Morgan Reynolds and Judy Wood
How They Did the Plane Trick at WTC 2
27 Aug 2006, nomoregames.net, Morgan Reynolds
Why Indeed did the WTC Buildings Disintegrate
23 Aug 2006, nomoregames.net, Morgan Reynolds and Judy Wood, v. 1.0
Conspiracy and Closed Minds on 9/11
15 March 2006, Morgan Reynolds
We Have Some Holes in the Plane Stories*
5 Mar 2006, nomoregames.net, Morgan Reynolds, Ph.D.
Aluminum Glows
1 Mar 2006, janedoe0911, Judy Wood and Michael Zebuhr
Billiard Balls Example
16 April 2005, by Judy Wood
Potter Column: We are all Native Americans today
15 September 2001, by John Potter