Does this look like a collapse?

Pattern Recognition?

What is common to all of these images?
(Hint: High-Energy Release?)

9/11 was a demonstration of a new energy technology, but we have seen this kind of energy before.

Figure 1. 9/11/01
Click on images to enlarge them.

Pattern Recognition?

What is common to all of these images?
(Hint: High-Energy Release?)

Figure 2. 9/11/01
Figure 3. nuke test Figure 4. 9/11/01
Figure 5. nuke test Figure 6. 9/11/01 Figure 7. 5/18/80, Mt. St. Helens, source
Figure 8. nuke test Figure 9. nuke test Figure 10. 9/11/01 Figure 11. 5/18/80, Mt. St. Helens, source
Figure 12. 9/11/01 Figure 13. 9/11/01 Figure 14. volcanic cloud shoots up from Mt. St. Helens, 7/22/80, source Figure 15. volcanic cloud rolls out
Figure 16. 9/11/01 Figure 17. Spirit Lake, near Mt. St. Helens, before 5/18/80 Figure 18. Spirit Lake, near Mt. St. Helens, after 5/18/80
Figure 19. 9/11/01 Figure 20. 9/11/01 Figure 21. cannot be distinguished, source

What Can We Learn from This?
From www.11syyskuu.org, a Finnish-language site
Suomalaisen sotilasasiantuntijan kirjoituksia

Näissä asiakirjoissa käytetyt kuvat ovat tärkeitä todisteita 911 keskusteluun ja tiedon vaihtoon. Kirjoittaja lahjoittaa täydet oikeudet monistaa piirrosta ”Pommit WTC tornissa” sekä hänen kirjoituksiaan. Lukijaa rohkaistaan postittamaan, julkaisemaan ja massapostittamaan näitä asiakirjoja tai omia, paranneltuja muunnelmia näistä. Henkilökohtaisen turvallisuutensa vuoksi kirjoittaja on päättänyt pysyä anonyyminä.


Pommit WTC tornissa

Pommiteknologian kehitys liittyen 911-operaatioihin

Minivetypommiin viittaavat havainnot

Sotilasasiantuntijan näkemys: miksi World Trade Centerin tornit sortuivat 

Writings of a Finnish Military Expert on 9/11

Written in spring 2005, a modestly language-corrected version Corrected by another person than the original author.

The photographs attached in this non-profit distribution are for securing volatile, important evidence on 9/11 for discussion and education. Author hereby grants full permission to reproduce the drawing 'The Bombs in the WTC' and his writings. You are encouraged to mail, publish and mass produce these documents or your enhanced versions of them. Due to concerns for his personal safety, the author has chosen to remain anonymous.

The 9/11 Operation: A Summary 

The Bombs in the WTC 

The Development of Bomb Technology Related to the 9/11 Operation 

Observations Suggesting the Use of Small Hydrogen Bombs 

View of a Military Expert: Why the Towers of the World Trade Center Collapsed 

the USGS Mt. St. Helens site
Figure 22. Mt. St. Helens, 5/19/80, source
Day after the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.
USGS Photograph taken on May 19, 1980, by Peter Lipman.
Figure 23. Mt. St. Helens, 5/19/80,source
Day after the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. View of denuded slope and blowdown timber, with a still steaming Mount St. Helens in the background. USGS Photograph taken on May 19, 1980, by Peter Lipman.
Figure 24. Particle of volcanic ash from Mount St. Helens, source

Figure 25. Mt. Cleveland, source
Ash plume from Cleveland (May 23, 2006), photographed by Jeffrey Williams onboard the International Space Station. Williams was first to notice the eruption, even before the Alaska Volcano Observatory.
Figure 26. Chaiten volcano,2008, Chile, source
Ash cloud from the 2008 eruption of Chaitén volcano stretching across Patagonia from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean
Figure 27. (9/12/01) Source: space imaging
This is a satellite image captured on 9/12/01. It appears that the cloud emerging from the WTC site stays together until it reaches a particular altitude where it begins to just disperse. There appears to be a kink in the cloud trail where this occurs.
Figure 28. Influence of the Kuwait oil fires plume (1991) on the microphysical development of clouds, Yinon Rudich, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 108, NO. D15, 4478, doi:10.1029/2003JD003472, 2003 Link to Journal of Geophysical Research
(Reference provided by "who" and is greatly appreciated.) (1991) Source
Figure 29. California wild fires
(8/07) Source:
Figure 30. (9/11/01) Source:
Figure 31. (9/11/01 entered) Source
Figure 32. Mt. St. Helens, 5/19/80, source
Day after the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.
USGS Photograph taken on May 19, 1980, by Peter Lipman.
Figure 33. (9/11/01) Source:
Figure 34. At Ground Zero in New York City, UC Davis Professor Emeritus Thomas Cahill describes his air-quality findings to reporters on Feb. 23, 2002, just before testifying at an EPA investigative hearing in Manhattan. (Sylvia Wright/UC Davis News Service file photo)
(2/23/02) Source:
Figure 35. Source:
Figure 36a and 36b. For the WTC samples, particle sizes below the (.09 to .24 micron) size range were not analyzes. But, as can be seen by the trend, the smaller the particle size, the more there was of it. Typically, the smaller the particle size, the less there is of it.
Source: (original)
IPB Image
Figure 37. Particle of volcanic ash from Mount St. Helens, source
Figure 40. A view west along Vesey Street. We didn't see or hear of any streets filled with burned bodies. So, I don't believe that cloud is hot. (9/11/01) Source

Ash and Tephra, Aircraft and Volcanic Ash
The 1991 Pinatubo Eruptions and Their Effects on Aircraft Operations

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© 2006-2009 Judy Wood and the author above. All rights reserved.