False Memory Syndrome, Misinformation and Memory, and the Creation of New Memories
- "Planting misinformation in the human mind: A 30-year investigation of the malleability of memory," LEARNING & MEMORY 12:361-366, ISSN 1072-0502/05, Elizabeth F. Loftus. (July 18, 2005)
- "Make-believe memories,"
American Psychologist (November 2003).
- "Our changeable memories: legal and practical implications,"
in Nature Reviews: Neuroscience (2003).
- "Memory Faults and Fixes"
in Issues in Science & Technology (2002; publication of the National Academies of Science)
- "Who Abused Jane Doe?" in The Skeptical Inquirer (2002)
- "Make my Memory"
in Psychology & Marketing (2002)
- "Imagination and...power"
in The Psychologist (2001)
- "Memory's Future" in Psychology Today (2001)
- "Changing Beliefs About Implausible Events " in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied (2001)
- "Dream Interpretation and False Beliefs," in Professional Psychology (1999)
- "The Price of Bad Memories" in The Skeptical Inquirer (1998)
- "Advertising's Misinformation Effect" in Applied Cognitive Psychology (1998)
- "Creating False Memories" in Scientific American (1997)
- "Imagination Inflation" in Psychonomic Bulletin and Review (1996)
- Memory Distortion and False Memory Creation, in Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 24 (3) 281-295, Loftus, Elizabeth (1996)
- Information about, and a chapter from, The Myth of Repressed Memory (1994)
- "The Reality of Repressed Memories" in American Psychologist (1993)
- "Misinformation and Memory" in Journal of Experimental Psychology:G (1989)
Eyewitness Testimony
Elizabeth F. Loftus (1996)
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
(revised edition of 1979 book).
The Myth of Repressed Memory :
- False Memories and Allegations of Sexual Abuse
- Elizabeth F. Loftus, Katherine Ketcham (1994)
- St. Martin's Press.
Witness for the Defense: 
The Accused, the Eyewitness and the Expert Who Puts Memory on Trial
Elizabeth F. Loftus, Katherine Ketcham (1991)
St. Martin's Press.
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