Scholars for 9/11 Truth
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December 28, 2007

Talon Mobile Laser Air Defense

Steven Jones sabotaged the development of free energy
Phenomenon Archives
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Added:  December 08, 2006
From:  Coffinman2
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"An opportunist who was tipped off by... "An opportunist who was tipped off by spooks to help cover up the existence of cheap and plentiful cold fusion energy". An excerpt from "Heavywatergate". This guy was instrumental in stealing cheap, clean energy from the world. He destroyed the work of good scientists.
He is no "people's champion"!

Wood on Fetzer's show, 29 June 2006
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From:  adjuk

Prof. Steven E. Jones about thermite melting WTC-steel
Alex Jones Interviews Steven Jones
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Added:  June 17, 2006
Prof. Steven E. Jones from BYU Brigham University and co-founder of "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" examined the substances of WTC-steel pieces ... all » and found all clues indicating thermite/thermate was one of the used substances to do bring down the WTC at nearly freefall speed with molten metal smoldering for month in the basements. These melting can not result alone from cerosin fires burning for approx. 1 hour. NIST DID NOT investigate if thermite/thermate could be used. This video is an extract of the "American Scholars Symposium" in Los Angeles on 24th June `06 hosted by 9/11-Truth-Veteran Alex Jones and shows Prof. Jones reciting his inquiries, physical analyzes and results of what had melted the WTC-steel. Alex Jones interviews Steven Jones, a BYU physics professor, who has scientifically proven that a special mix of thermite and sulfur and ... all » some other chemicals, known as thermate, was used to cut the WTC steel backbones. Thermate is widely used by the military and demolition companies as the cutting charges.

Uploaded by www.TruthRing.org. Spread the truth! And all you Sheeple at digg and other sites, do your research before calling people tin foil wearin' nutcases.

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From:  adjuk
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From:  adjuk

History : 911 Conspiracies Fact or Fiction
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Added:  August 22, 2007
From:  prisonplanet

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Added:  August 18, 2007
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Added:  August 18, 2007

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From:  adjuk

Talon Mobile Laser Air Defense
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Added:  June 17, 2007
From:  zeroyon04
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From:  adjuk

Heavy watergate part 1
Heavy watergate part 2
Heavy watergate part 3
Heavy watergate part 4
Heavy watergate part 5
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Added:  Dec. 7, 2006
From:  coffinman2
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Added:  Dec. 7, 2006
From:  coffinman2
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Added:  Dec. 7, 2006
From:  coffinman2
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Added:  Dec. 7, 2006
From:  coffinman2
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Added:  Dec. 7, 2006
From:  coffinman2

Professor Steven Jones was heavily involved in trying to debunk cold fusion research.
Eugene Mallove

Steven Jones sabotaged the development of Free Energy
Prof. Jones from HeavyWaterGate - The War on Cold Fusion
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Added:  Dec 8, 2006
From: coffinman2
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Added:  Dec 07, 2006
From: Webfairy
Jones described as an opportunist who was tipped off by spooks to help coverup the existance of cheap and plentiful cold fusion energy.

TESLA free energy generator
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Added:  May 29, 2006
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Filmed:  February 17, 2007

What Hit the WTC?
(0:04:00) URL
Added:  14 April 2007
From:  adjuk

Joyce Riley Exposed: The Power Failure
(2:52:00) URL
Added:  ? ?, ?


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