Scholars for 9/11 Truth
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December 28, 2007

Video 1. Video 2.
The Hutchison Effect & UFOs: Pt.1
The Hutchison Effect & UFOs: Pt.2
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Added:  May 22, 2007
From:  theduderinok
Ufologist David Sereda and inventor John Hutchison discussed the often difficult to duplicate Hutchison Effect and its relationship to UFO propulsion systems.
The Hutchison Effect uses RF fields and electrostatic energy to create an "interdimensional shift," Hutchison explained. He claimed his eponymously-named effect can render metal invisible. Sereda believes that UFOs utilize technology akin to the Hutchison Effect to "reduce the mass-gravity effect," essentially changing the mass of the spacecraft into light and allowing the vehicle to travel at the speed of light on small amounts of energy.
Hutchison also said he has recreated and tested the Ark of the Covenant, which during experimentation produced "lightning, flames, white lights and strange little entities." Sereda confirmed that he too has seen "three-dimensional beings" appear inside Hutchison Effect energy fields. He suggested Hutchison's apparatus may act as a medium, permitting one to see higher dimensional energies, and possibly communicate with God.
June 4th, 2005

Video 3. Video 4.
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 3
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 4
(0:09:59) URL
Added:  May 22, 2007
From:  theduderinok
(0:00:00) URL
Added:  May 22, 2007
From:  theduderinok
0 0

Video 5. Video 6.
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 5
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 6
(0:09:55) URL
Added:  May 22, 2007
From:  theduderinok
(0:09:59) URL
Added:  May 22, 2007
From:  theduderinok

Video 7. Video 8.
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 7
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 8
(0:09:55) URL
Added:  May 22, 2007
From:  theduderinok
(0:9:57) URL
Added:  May 22, 2007
From:  theduderinok

Video 9. Video 10.
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 9
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 10
(0:9:57) URL
Added:  May 22, 2007
From:  theduderinok
(0:09:59) URL
Added:  May 22, 2007
From:  theduderinok

Video 11. Video 12.
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 11
Antigravity machine :)
(0:10:28) URL
Added:  May 22, 2007
From:  theduderinok
(0:01:22) URL
Added:  November 20, 2007
From:  mysoSK

Video 13a. Video 13b.
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 1
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 2
(0:00:00) URL
Added:  May 23, 2007
From:  bourreux
(0:00:00) URL
Added:  May 23, 2007
From:  bourreux
Here's a report on HAARP, an expirement made by USA to engineer the weather. CBC Broadcast about the HAARP Project in Alaska

Video 14a. Video 14b.
Nikola Tesla.. The man who gave us the modern day..
(0:04:03) URL
November 18, 2006
From:  rea1001
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Many people have long forgotten him.. However his achievements gave most of what we take for granted too us today.. 0

Video 15.
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Added:  June 14, 2008
From:  raviwfc
As per the claims it runs only on a 300W "Water Energy System (WES)" where WATER is the only FUEL.

The basic power generation mechanism of the new system is similar to that of a normal fuel cell, which uses hydrogen as a fuel. According to Genepax, the main feature of the new system is that it uses the company's membrane electrode assembly (MEA), which contains a material capable of breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen through a chemical reaction.

A Japanese venture company, Genepax, has unveiled a car on that runs on water. All it requires is a litre of water. In fact, any kind of water to be exact, whether its river, rain, sea water, or even Japanese tea. Its an electric powered car that runs solely on hydrogen dioxide.
"The main characteristic of this car is that no external input is needed. The car will continue to run as long as you have a bottle of water inside for you to add from time to time," said Kiyoshi Hirasawa, Chief Executive Officer of Genepax, after he proudly announced the company's invention.
Once water is poured into the water tank at the back of the car, the newly invented energy generator takes out the hydrogen from the water, releases electrons and finally generates electrical power.
"We highly recommend our system since it does not require you to build up an infrastructure to recharge your batteries, which is usually the case for most electric cars," said Hirasawa, who is hoping to advertise the car in time for the upcoming G8 Summit in Hokkaido, Japan.
According to the company, 1 liter of water keeps the car running for about an hour with a speed of 80 kilometers or 50 miles an hour. The company has applied for a patent and is hoping to collaborate with Japanese automobile manufacturers to mass manufacture their invention in the very near future. As fuel prices continue rising and people look for greener alternatives, companies globally are trying to come up with alternatives.

Details: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?PH...,4929.0.html

Video 16.
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Video 17. Video 18.
Nikola Tesla: The Missing Secrets ( part 1 of 4 )
Nikola Tesla: The Missing Secrets ( part 2 of 4 )
(0:11:37) URL
August 08, 2006
From: melah65
(0:11:37) URL
August 08, 2006
From: melah65
A MUST SEE!!! Why did the US Government, the CIA and The Patent Office try to cover up all the great work of Tesla? Was he the greatest genius of all time? more vids at http://www.soulcravings.net

Video 19. Video 20.
Nikola Tesla: The Missing Secrets ( part 3 of 4 )
Nikola Tesla: The Missing Secrets ( part 4 of 4 )
(0:11:37) URL
August 08, 2006
From: melah65
(0:11:36) URL
August 08, 2006
From: melah65
John is in this one.

Video 21. Video 22.
Nikola Tesla: The Missing Secrets (part 1 of 5)
Nikola Tesla: The Missing Secrets (part 2 of 5)
(0:09:21) URL
Added: January 13, 2008
From: kperovic
(0:09:21) URL
Added: January 13, 2008
From: kperovic
Long shrouded in secrecy, the life of Nikola Tesla is artfully illuminated in this fascinating film. His achievements led to the discovery of radio and television as well as the development of the first hydroelectric dam, remote control, radar tracking for the military, x-ray and the manipulation of matter and energy. His discoveries are also the basis for the emerging science of free energy. Encyclopedia Britannica lists Nikola Tesla as one of the most fascinating people in history. So why is he virtually unknown to the general public? This movie is a penetrating study of the life and mind of a scientific superman who, against all odds, dedicated his life to the task of designing and improving technology for the service and advancement of humanity.

Video 23. Video 24.
Nikola Tesla: The Missing Secrets (part 3 of 5)
Nikola Tesla: The Missing Secrets (part 4 of 5)
(0:09:21) URL
Added: January 13, 2008
From: kperovic
(0:09:21) URL
Added: January 13, 2008
From: kperovic

Video 25.
Nikola Tesla: The Missing Secrets (part 5 of 5)
"Nikola Tesla Was truly a man ahead of his time. How be it his technology is being misused in todays times. Also the ability to make available free electricity non polluting has been withheld from us all these years for the sake os making wealthy the already rich they took his secrets, Westinghouse and the Government and left his wife and family broke."

"Nikola Tesla sold the science of three phase power to Westinghouse for $50K. In the last days of his life he lived in a single room hotel flat in Byram Park (42nd Street NYC) and when injured by a street cab, taken care of by two Westinghouse executives. I did not need to see the documentation to post."

(0:09:07) URL
Added: January 13, 2008
From: kperovic

Video 26.
TELEPORTATION - REPLICATORS - Hidden/Suppressed Technologie
(0:00:00) URL
Added: February 14, 2008
From: ArchangelSandalphon
The Replicator Technology being in essence similar to that demonstrated in Startrek, but with the difference of deriving the base Material for the replication process directly from "nowhere"! At least it would seem to be obtained from nothing, but in actuallity it is derived from the "Electrons" of which there is more than an abundance within the universe, The Principle basically being, the derivation of the necessary Material through the building of an "Electron Cloud" which in turn automatically attracts "Protons" and "Sub-atomic Particles" to form Atomic and Molecular Structures, Specific varietys of Energy-emission are used in influencing the outcome of the process to derive different aterials, the entire process occurs within portions of a second or several seconds depending on the density of the wanted Material or Structure, the Complexity of the Structure is irrelevant, it could be "slightly" comparable to the function of a Digital Printing Machine, regardless of the complexity of the Image to be printed, the Printer will take the same effort to print, only the more Material to be used, in this case "Ink", the Printer would take longer, To explain exactly how the Electrons are used to create useable material is beyond my own understanding of higher Multidimensional Physics, but part of the understanding is to realise that the universe is initially a Thought Consciousness Matrix, similar to a computer program, and this way it could be understandable at least "why" it funktions!


We will release secret technologies, and even more wondrous devices, including many energy and transportation related inventions, that have been produced around your world during the past century. Your secret governments suppressed this technology, along with many other environmental innovations, out of deep-seated fear that such discoveries could result in their downfall. We will also introduce more workable technology, and allow each of you to obtain information -- and to contact one another with ease. The rise of a post-Internet environment, which we have initiated, will introduce you to new options in communication and entertainment. Simple handheld or easy to wear devices, will provide instant information, and enable you to contact freely anyone else on your world. Using small organic computers, you will become globally recognisable by your body's true frequency. These devices inter-phase with your mind, providing a 3D holographic picture that contains data, images etc. The commercial system will be 3D full colour telepathic holography. Anyone who wishes to communicate can simply visualise a person and their computer will contact them. It will include a universal translator and a special frequency dialling system, that is closely linked to your unique hysical signature. Each household will receive a device that converts light energy into matter to provide clothing and food.(replicators).

A teleportation system will be available for long range emergency trips. We will supply a system of technologies that with your manifested abilities, will reverse the pollution that now fouls your air, land and water on Mother Earth, in less than six months. Our second objective will be the factories, offices, homes, power generating stations, air, water and land vehicles that spew out most of the pollution. Free-energy devices will be introduced that can be mass-produced quickly. Using our technology, we can vaporise and fully erect buildings in a matter of days, and will re-tool your manufacturing network in less than a week. Moreover, we can fully automate it. Technological gadgets will allow you to end your dependence upon manufactured materials. A number of our technologies can convert living Light into food, clothes and other uses, thus ending your long dependence on agriculture and the lumber industry. Remember that technology is a tool, provided by consciousness, to create as pleasurable an environment as possible.

The replicator is about as big as a refrigerator, it makes food, clothing & other small items from light. So any type of food has the full benefits, as well as an entertainment center with 3D interractive communication, movies, history, etc.... no computers ((:


Video 27. Video 28.
WTC - Man Lifted up in Warm Air
What Made The Holes in the WTC Towers?
(0:00:26) URL
Added:  November 21, 2008
From:  adjuk
(0:03:18) URL
Added:  November 13, 2008
From:  adjuk
Name not known - but he was possibly interviewed in the offices of the New York Post.

I think he was levitated - as at least 1 other person has reported.

If you're not sure why this is signifcant, please see:


"There was this blast of warm air - it wasn't hot, it was warm... and it picked me up and threw me against the wall of the building...

[You were picked up off the ground?]

"Physically, physically - picked up off the ground."
Some small details in 2 videos of when WTC 2 got its hole have recently (Nov 2008) been brought to my attention by Dr Judy Wood.

As we have already discussed, steel is harder than aluminium, so it is impossible for planes to have caused the holes in the WTC. So what did?

Perhaps a clue can be found in these clips...

Please check through:




Video 29. Video 30.
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Video 31. Video 32.
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