Scholars for 9/11 Truth
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December 28, 2007


Video 1. Video 2.
9/11 The falling man [pr0x]
Pain Ray Fries Reporter
(0:71:26) URL
Added:  October 06, 2006
From:  fofo69
(0:00:54) URL
Added:  March 30, 2007
From:  noahmax6000
0 Watch an AP scribe get zapped by the military's pain ray -- the "Active Denial System."

Video 3. Video 4.
9/11: North Tower video by Dr. Mark Heath
9/11: North Tower video taken by Dr. Mark Heath
(0:05:31) URL
Added:  April 13, 2007
From:  Xenomorph911
(0:00:42) URL
Added:  August 07, 2007
From:  Xenomorph911

Video 5. Bri and Bob Video 6.
Home Video of Ground Zero
9/11: BBC North Tower Slow Motion
(0:09:59) URL
Added:  January 21, 2007
From:  tributes4wtc
(0:00:47) URL
Added:  May 07, 2007
From:  Xenomorph911
For Video 5.
Start at around 5:24 from the end (4:35 from the start).
She said it came in "from the south" and "It was a huge plane."
"Here, they're going to show it to you..." (Apparently she has her TeeVee telling her what to see and perceive of the situation.)

At 4:18 from end (5:41 from start), she zooms in the video camera on the fuming down on Liberty&West, south of WTC3.

At 4:06 (5:53 from start), WTC2 is going poof and the gal is flipping out. She's now traumatized. (I thought they only acted like that in the movies.) You can hear the TeeVee on in the background, instructing them what to think -- telling them how horrible it is. Would you think EVERYONE would have the same reaction by chance?

At 8:40 in the video (near the end) there is an amazing shot! They're videotaping from the edge of the dustcloud run-out, just where it starts going up and no longer travels out. So, there is an excellent view of this upward drift.

Video 7. Video 8.
Former CIA Officer Questions Torture, 9/11
Bush Administration Insider Says 9/11 Was An Inside Job
(0:02:22) URL
Added:  October 5, 2007
From:  evolvingmedium
(0:00:00) URL
Added:  August 29, 2007
From:  911triumph
0 Dr. Morgan Reynolds, 9/11 911 9-11 truth conspiracy
controlled demolition world trade center wtc twin towers pentagon thermate thermite iraq war al qaeda qaida osama bin laden bush cheney wolfowitz doctrine shock awe saddam hussein iraq missile flight 77 93 11 175 september 11 jersey girls mohamed atta alex jones loose change larry silverstein wtc7 building explosions puffs squibs hijackers alive put options NORAD stand down united american airlines terror terrorism gitmo guantanimo torture habeas corpus military industrial complex tribunals PNAC project new american century war crime crimes habeas corpus homeland security patriot act NIST Kevin Ryan Popular Mechanics FEMA molton steel steven jones scholars

Video 9.
(0:00:00) URL
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Video 10. Video 10b.
Questioning Steve Jones
(0:09:59) URL
Added:  December 26, 2007  
From:  adjuk
(0:00:00) URL
Added:  0 0, 0000
From:  0
This video asks questions about Dr Steve Jones - why does he prefer to talk about Ad Hominem attacks rather than Physical Evidence? Why does he misquote research? Why does he dodge certain issues? 0

Video 11. Video 12.
Where Is Love from Celebrate Oliver
Oliver! - Where Is Love?
(0:03:04) URL
Added: December 06, 2006
From:  Knockerz89
(0:03:24) URL
Added: October 18, 2006
From: arion2006
Where Is Love from Celebrate Oliver! sung by Joseph McManners (who is infact a BOY not a girl!) Oliver! Musical by Lionel Bart

Video 13. Video 14.
Webster Griffin Tarpley talking about 9/11
Who Will You Tell?

(0:05:14) URL
Added:  May 6, 2008
From:  youroom101
(mp3)(1.2 MB)
(0:07:23) URL
Added:  March 23, 2008
From:  adjuk
0 0

Video 15a. Bri and Bob Video 15b. Bri and Bob
(0:00:00) URL
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Video 16. Video 17.
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Video 18. Video 19.
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Video 20. Video 21.
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Video 22. Video 23.
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Video 24. Video 25.
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Video 26.
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Video 31. Video 32.
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