Critics Corner

Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Critics Corner

"Common sense: If Dr. Wood didn't have anything credible to say, why would folks be attacking her so vehemently?"

(last updated August 10, 2008)

How to recognize an OP/troll
July 20, 2007, by Dr. Judy Wood
(Also see the disinfo page.)
(Also see the misinfo page.)

I. Articles Addressing Various Issues Top
Email from Steven E. Jones to Greg Jenkins, recruiting Jenkins hit piece.
February 2, 2007
History Repeats: True Science vs. the "Official-Truth Movement"
August 30, 2008. programming.
December 3, 2006 faq for that projects falsehoods (disinformation) as representative of events.
The Story of the "Official-Truth Movement"
Music from the 1960s - 1970s, that are still appropriate today, (part 1)(part 2)
2 August 2008, compiled by Dr. Judy Wood
David Ray Griffin on Gianni Hayes, 24 September 2008
30 September 2008, by Russ Gerst
Is Alex Jones worried about "September Clues"?
30 September 2008, by Andrew Johnson
Promoting Non-Violence -- a Letter to Alex Jones
23 April 2008, by Attorney Jerry Leaphart,
signed by: Dr. Judy Wood, Dr. Morgan Reynolds, John Lear
cc: US Attorney, SDNY
Jim Fetzer introduced first-time guest John Hutchison on "the Dynamic Duo", 28 February 2008, in a very odd way. Does Jim Fetzer seek the truth? "The flack is always the strongest when you're over the target." This aggressive and pernicious debunking effort confirms where the target is!
9/11 and The Hutchison Effect — An Ace in the Hole — Part II
19 August 2008, by Andrew Johnson

Transcript: Introducing first-time guest, John Hutchison
6 April 2008, transcript by "Archie"

The Hutchison Effect and 9/11 — Handling the Truth
6 April 2008, by Andrew Johnson

The Hutchison Effect and 9/11 — The Chips Have Fallen
11 March 2008, by Andrew Johnson

Links to Technical papers, Technical presentatons,

and other informaton on the Hutchison Effect

Ace Baker's Failure to Debunk the Hutchison Effect
10 March 2008, by Judy Wood

The Hutchison Effect and 9/11 - An Ace in the Hole?
1 March 2008, by Andrew Johnson

Email from Readers (1)
10 August 2008, some comments from readers
How to recognize an OP/troll
July 20, 2007, by Dr. Judy Wood
Thinking About 9-11, the Truth, and the Official Movement
26 June 2008, by Cathy Garger, (original: axisoflogic)

One Dozen Ways to Spot a Spook At Your Next 9/11 "Movement" Gathering
25 May 2008 by Cathy Garger

Inspiring 911 Forum Posts
April - July, 2008, by
9/11, Exotic Tech and Hutchison Effect
10 July 2008, comments from torrent site
Nice Guy Kevin Barrett Spins 9/11 Planes: A Peer Review
5 September 2007, by Morgan Reynolds and Judy Wood
Acting like a Grown-up
July 23, 2007, by Steven Jones, Ace Baker, Morgan Reynolds
Thoroughly Discredited
August 14, 2007, by Jeff Strahl

Greg Jenkins Panics: A Segment from the highly-funded Jenkins psyops
July 2, 2007

Hit Pieces in the J.O.N.E.S. -- Both direct and indirect
July 2, 2007

Transcript of "Micronukes vs Thermite/Thermate at WTC"
Transcript by Andrew Johnson, Footnotes mainly
by Andrew Johnson, with additional comments by Prof Judy Wood.
June 27, 2007

Reading Between The Lines -- Jenkins/Wood interview revisited,
Text, Subtext and The Truth About DEWs
10 April 2007, transcript by Andrew Lowe Watson, with added pictures & comments

Responses to the Greg Jenkins Attack Pieces
March 6, 2007, by bloggers

Steven Jones' Contributions to Science, Humanity and the Planet
January 29, 2007, by CB_Brooklyn

II. What is meant by "peer review"?
Greg Jenkins' Debut in his New Roll
(9:33) URL,
Steve Jones recruited this "interview" for submission to his website he calls a "peer-reviewed scientific journal." A segment of this "interview" is shown to the right.

Apparently this "interview" passed the "peer-review" process for it's exceptional "scientific analysis." From Greg's conclusion, the WTC towers are still there because it would require at least five times the entire world's energy to destroy them.

Steve Jones relies on this stellar piece of "research" to prove that only "nanothermite" from outer space
could have destroyed the towers.

If it required over five times the earth's total energy to destroy the towers, then sufficient energy couldn't have come from the earth. That is, all of the thermite on the entire earth would still be insufficient. Therefore, according to Greg and Steve, if the towers aren't still there, what destroyed them had to have come from outer space.

So, Steve's "new and improved, super-duper nanothermite" must have come from outer space.

There you have it, proved in his "peer-reviewed" "journal."
See also:
Greg Jenkins Panics: from the highly-funded Jenkins psyops
Reading Between The Lines: Jenkins/Wood "interview" revisited
Steve Jones recruits Greg Jenkins to submit this hit piece to his "journal."

III. Brief Rebuttals Top

Vaporizing the World Trade Center
by Steven Dutch, last updated July 13, 2007

"His logic is circular and his information understates DEW capabilities by several orders of magnitude."

Discrediting By Association: Undermining the Case for Patriots Who Question 9/11
by Victoria Ashley, Version 1.1, August 5, 2007

Congratulations to Ms. Ashley for publishing an article in her area of expertise, an area in which she appears to thrive. Victoria Ashley does not have a degree in structural engineering, engineering mechanics (applied physics), materials engineering science, nor any other type of engineering degree. For that matter, she doesn't have a degree in any area of physical science.

List of Architects Who Have Questioned The Official Story of the Three WTC Collapses
Victoria Ashley (BA Architecture, MA Psychology)
Victoria Ashley, Psychology Researcher, BArch, Alameda, CA

So, what qualifies her to write such a piece? Her expertise is in PsyOps. Her MA (2004?) is in psychology and her area of expertise is neuro-linguistic programming. How interesting. She's actually one of the most qualified to write such a PsyOps hit piece.


Thoroughly Discredited
August 14, 2007, by Jeff Strahl

Direct Evidence for Explosions: Flying Projectiles and Widespread Impact Damage
August 6, 2007, Dr. Crockett Grabbe

Blog comments on the above article by Dr. Grabbe
August 6, 2007, JREF forum
[empasis added]
"...The paper makes the assertion that certain photographs of the WTC collapse prove that explosions were responsible for the ejection of debris, but advances no evidence for the assertion. Pictures of damaged cars are produced more to refute the beam weapon theory than to promote the explosives theory; the damage is characterised as due to hot and possibly corrosive debris, but no evidence is advanced that this debris was not ejected as a result of glancing collisions in the collapse of the towers, or that the heating of the debris was not a result of the extensive pre-collapse fires.

In discussion of the "squibs", the key assertion that "overpressure is created by explosions" is not justified. The discussion of the radial distribution of debris is superfluous, as the ejection velocity has already been deduced from videos, and the comment that "it is likely that explosions are also occurring after the growing dust cloud envelopes the area" is pure speculation unsupported by evidence.

In summary, this paper is an attempt at proof by assertion, and no evidence is advanced to support its central thesis. ....

Refused for publication. Re-submission is not advised.


The World Trade Center Collapse: Waiting for a Fuse (source 2),
by Crockett Grabbe, September 22, 2001, (Revised: September 25, 2001).

Grabbe, Crockett L. Space Weapons and the Strategic Defense Initiative. Ames, Iowa State University Press, 1991. 252 p.Book call no.: 358.80973 G727s

IV. "Peer-Reviewed" Articles Addressing Various Issues Top
Want a new investigation? Want accountability? Well, today's your lucky day.
16 May 2008, by Andrew Johnson
9/11 Truth Seekers and Campaigners... "It's Your Lucky Day!"
16 May 2008, by Andrew Johnson
Thinking About 9-11, the Truth, and the Official Movement
26 June 2008, by Cathy Garger, (original: axisoflogic)
A physicist critiques Steven Jones' new paper
21 May 2007, by Stephen Phillips, Ph.D.

Reading Between The Lines -- Jenkins/Wood interview revisited,
Text, Subtext and The Truth About DEWs
10 April 2007, transcript by Andrew Lowe Watson, with added pictures & comments

Dr. Greg Jenkins' "Directed Debunking Energy" and Prof. Judy Wood
1 March 2007, by Andrew Johnson

The New “9/11 Hijackers”?
February 2007, by Andrew Johnson

Why Indeed Must it be Controlled Demolition?
An informal critique of Dr. Jones' hypothesis
30 January 2007, "Who"

The Scientific Method Applied to the Thermite Hypothesis
14 December 2006, Judy Wood and Morgan Reynolds

Why Indeed did the WTC Buildings Disintegrate?
23 Aug 2006, janedoe0911, Morgan Reynolds and Judy Wood

Why Indeed did the WTC Buildings Disintegrate
23 Aug 2006,, Morgan Reynolds and Judy Wood, v. 1.0

V. Comments from Various Blogs. Top
"Common sense: If Dr. Wood didn't have anything credible to say, why would folks be attacking her so vehemently?"

ChemBlog (Japanese?)
Contrail or Chemtrail, I never mind. They're always above us apparently and certainly.

The Very Strange Circumstances of the Greg Jenkins Interview with Judy Wood
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
WTC1 dustification
0:17 URL
posted by Spooked911,
to spooked911,  February 18, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007

VI. Comments Top

From Forums:

Two Great Posts by "underscribed"
August 30, 2007

Supporting Evidence for No-Planes and DEW (exotic weapons)
August 30, 2007

Email and Other Comments:

(last updated August 30, 2007)

(last updated September 00, 2007)

(Also see the disinfo page.)
(Also see the misinfo page.)

Shortcut links
Jump to III. Brief Rebuttals
Jump to Ashley Psyops
Jump to CrockettPsyops

Jump to IV. "Peer-Reviewed" Articles Addressing Various Issues
Jump to Reading Between The Lines -- Jenkins/Wood interview revisited

Jump to V. Comments from Various Blogs
Jump to blog1
Jump to blog2
Jump to WTC1video
Jump to blog3
Jump to blog4

Jump to VI. Comments
Jump to Two Great Posts by "underscribed"
Jump to Supporting Evidence for No-Planes and DEW (exotic weapons)


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© 2006-2008 Judy Wood and the author above. All rights reserved.