Subject: VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM SHELDON DAY.. Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2008 03:56:26 -0700 Seal-Send-Time: Sat, 9 Aug 2008 03:56:26 -0700 From: "SHELDON DAY" |
Hello folks.. I have become very very concerned that we are being LIED to about the events surrounding 9/11 more than you could ever imagine... And the 'experts' and 'leaders' and 'hero's' that folks in the 9/11 Truth movement are looking up to for the real answers are Trolls, Disinformation specialists if you will.. I can NO LONGER TRUST a lot of folks that I have trusted for a long time who are actually leading their "followers" in the wrong direction.. Sofia Smallstorm, Jim Fetzer, Steven Jones, Dave Von Kleist, Alex Jones et al. are involved in the coverup, whether they realize it or not... Talk-Show Host D'anne Burley brought to my attention the fact that a Lady named Dr. Judy Wood exists and after doing some INDEPENDENT RESEARCH of my OWN & personally talking to her 3-4 hours on the phone, I am FIRMLY CONVINCED that her Research into 9/11 is "right on target" & she has discovered the BIG pieces of the puzzle into 9/11... This 9/11 thing is the Biggest Coverup of a Criminal Event in our History & MUST BE EXPOSED for what REALLY HAPPENED that day.. We're talking about the ENTIRE FUTURE OF THE HUMAN RACE HERE FOLKS...It is IMPERATIVE that you quit buying the story that "explosives" brought down those Towers & start researching what Dr. Judy Wood has discovered.. She has ESTABLISHED LEGAL DOCUMENTATION for her research.. She has received a reply from Kirtland Air Force Base regarding her discovery ( ).. The "demolitions" brought the buildings down is a DISTRACTION & is designed to keep the "masses" in the Alternative Truth movement "slaves" to their "leaders" so that NOBODY WILL DISCOVER WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9/11.. What REALLY happened that day goes MUCH DEEPER than you could imagine...This sounds so far out but if you GO RESEARCH THE EVIDENCE and are OPEN-MINDED enough, you will find out that the bringing down of those towers was the result of a DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON & Tesla Technology & the "field effects" from a HURRICANE Erin parked just East of New York City that morning & THERE ARE STILL 'EFFECTS' GOING ON around Ground Zero, at least as of January there were.. The Black Op's, Compartmentalized Technology used that day is still producing EXOTIC EFFECTS on the metals & ground and even people in that area & according to DR. Wood, these are 'Hutchinson Effects" which involves Tesla Technology.. And if I should all of a sudden disappear or become "suicided" or "murdered" or become labelled as a "terrorist", you will know why !!!! And this goes for Judy Wood as well...I can't even get to sleep now after learning that we ARE BEING LIED TO ABOUT EVERYTHING...Please folks, please, I beg all of you to contact as many Talk-Show Hosts as possible to get Dr. Judy Wood on the Radio.. It's interesting to note that Alex Jones WILL NOT CARRY HER.. She has been VERY LOW-PROFILE and that's because there has been a TREMENDOUS EFFORT to discredit her & to shut her up because she has the HARD EVIDENCE of a Criminal Coverup which is effecting the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE EVERYDAY...Think about it: the thousands of laws passed since 9/11, the unjustified Deaths of millions of people now because a Phoney, Bullshit War because of "Terrorists" that DON'T EXIST, the still-to-be-released agenda's coming our way because of 9/11,etc.etc,etc.. And according to a Morgan Reynolds, THERE MAY HAVE NEVER BEEN ANY AIRCRAFT WHATSOEVER THAT HIT THE TOWERS AS WELL..These may have been 'Holographic Imagery' & in my opinion, these 'Holograms' may have been used as a Testbed Demonstration to see how many people would really believe those were Airliners so that the next step can be undertaken: Holographic Imagery projected into our skies of 'Aerial Craft' (UFO'S )which will usher in the Long-awaited New World 'Odor' & RONALD REAGAN CLEARLY STATED THIS THREAT to us at the United Nations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A staged Extraterrestrial Invasion/presence by Nasa'a Project Bluebeam is what I'm talking about here.. Think about it: if we are convinced that 'Aerial objects' slammed into the Twin Towers on 9/11, then people will believe UFO'S when the BIG DAY comes as well !!!!! Hitler once said, "if you repeat a lie big enough & often enough, THEY WILL BELIEVE ANYTHING "..... PLEASE, DON'T IGNORE THE MESSENGER !!! The Crusaders of the Real Truth's are traditionally the Outcasts & most hated people in the World because the 'Masses' have been so programmed & conditioned to hate the TRUTH that they are AFRAID OF IT TO DEATH... GET TO WORK FOLKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS TIME TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE !!!!!!!!! STAND-UP FOR YOURSELVES & LIVE & STAND FOR SOMETHING-THE TRUTH... |