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Anomalies at the WTC and the Hutchison Effect
(Appendix 1)


Dr. Judy Wood and John Hutchison

This page last updated, January 12, 2008

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(originally posted: December 25, 2007)


The "Hutchison Effect"

Mark A. Solis: "The Hutchison Effect -- An Explanation"
Abstract: "The Hutchison Effect"; Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Energy -- Denver, Colorado, USA ( April 16-18,1993 )
Albert Budden: "The Hutchison Effect: A Lift, Disruption & Luminous Energy System"
Lance Cleveland: "The Dirt Cheap Rocks of John Hutchison"
"John Hutchison, The Wild Scientist From Vancouver"
Mark Solis & John Hutchison: "Successful Replication of The Hutchison Effect" ( 10 October, 1998 )
Mark Solis: "John Hutchison Raided At Gunpoint By Canadian Police" ( 18 March 2000 )
Taming Gravity: Replication of the Hutchison Effect (1999)
The Hutchison Effect: a key to the Bermuda Triangle in Vancouver?
Satinverse Nichole Ortberg Science Section
Debunking Armchair Skeptics
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Interview with Mel Winfield (Claimant to Hutchison Effect) --- PDF Format
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The Hutchison Effect -- An Explanation
Casimir Force
You're on Your Own When You Violate the Laws of Physics (and Don’t Take Notes)
Transmutation, The Alchemist Dream Come True
How Cold Fusion Works
From Cold Fusion to Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Port Authority to pay Silverstein after delays

(1) The Hutchison Effect -- An Explanation Top

    People often ask, "What exactly is the Hutchison Effect?"

    This brief essay is an attempt to answer that question to the satisfaction of the majority.

     First of all, the Hutchison Effect is a collection of phenomena which were discovered accidentally by John Hutchison during attempts to study the longitudinal waves of Tesla back in 1979.  In other words, the Hutchison Effect is not simply a singular effect.  It is many.

     The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of radio wave interferences in a zone of spatial volume encompassed by high voltage sources, usually a Van de Graff generator, and two or more Tesla coils.

     The effects produced include levitation of heavy objects, fusion of dissimilar materials such as metal and wood (exactly as portrayed in the movie, "The Philadelphia Experiment"), the anomalous heating of metals without burning adjacent material, spontaneous fracturing of metals (which separate by sliding in a sideways fashion), and both temporary and permanent changes in the crystalline structure and physical properties of metals.

     The levitation of heavy objects by the Hutchison Effect is not---repeat not---the result of simple electrostatic or electromagnetic levitation. Claims that these forces alone can explain the phenomenon are patently ridiculous, and easily disproved by merely trying to use such methods to duplicate what the Hutchison Effect has achieved, which has been well documented both on film and videotape, and has been witnessed many times by numerous credentialed scientists and engineers. Challengers should note that their apparatus must be limited to the use of 75 Watts of power from a 120 Volt AC outlet, as that is all that is used by Hutchison's apparatus to levitate a 60-pound cannon ball.

     The fusion of dissimilar materials, which is exceedingly remarkable, indicates clearly that the Hutchison Effect has a powerful influence on Van der Waals forces. In a striking and baffling contradiction, dissimilar substances can simply "come together," yet the individual substances do not dissociate. A block of wood can simply "sink into" a metal bar, yet neither the metal bar nor the block of wood come apart.  Also, there is no evidence of displacement, such as would occur if, for example, one were to sink a stone into a bowl of water.

     The anomalous heating of metal without any evidence of burning or scorching of the adjacent materials (usually wood) is a clear indication that possibly the nature of heat may not be completely understood. This has far-reaching implications for thermodynamics, which hinges entirely on the presumption of such knowledge. It should be noted that the entirety of thermodynamics is represented by the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is insignificant in a context of 0 Hz to infinite Hz. The anomalous heating exhibited by the Hutchison Effect shows plainly that we have much to learn, especially where thermodynamics and electromagnetism meet.

     The spontaneous fracturing of metals, as occurs with the Hutchison Effect, is unique for two reasons: (1) there is no evidence of an "external force" causing the fracturing, and (2) the method by which the metal separates involves a sliding motion in a sideways direction, horizontally. The metal simply comes apart.

     Some temporary changes in the crystalline structure and physical properties of metals are somewhat reminiscent of the "spoon bending" of Uri Geller, except that there is no one near the metal samples when the changes take place. One video shows a spoon flapping up and down like a limp rag in a stiff breeze. In the case of permanent changes, a metal bar will be hard at one end, like steel, and soft at the other end, like powdered lead. Again, this is evidence of strong influence on Van der Waals forces.

     The radio wave interferences involved in producing these effects are produced from as many as four and five different radio sources, all operating at low power.  However, the zone in which the interferences take place is stressed by hundreds of kilovolts.

     It is surmised by some researchers that what Hutchison has done is tap into the Zero Point Energy.  This energy gets its name from the fact that it is evidenced by oscillations at zero degrees Kelvin, where supposedly all activity in an atom ceases.  The energy is associated with the spontaneous emission and annihilation of electrons and positrons coming from what is called "the quantum vacuum."  The density of the energy contained in the quantum vacuum is estimated by some at ten to the thirteenth Joules per cubic centimeter, which is reportedly sufficient to boil off the Earth's oceans in a matter of moments.

     Given access to such energies, it is small wonder that the Hutchison Effect produces such bizarre phenomena.  At the present time, the phenomena are difficult to reproduce with any regularity.  The focus for the future, then, is first to increase the frequency of occurrence of the effects, then to achieve some degree of precision in their control.

     The work is continuing at this time.  Before long, we shall see what progress can be made.

Shreveport, Louisiana
February 16, 1999

Copyright (c) 1999 by Mark A. Solis

Figure 1. The Hutchison Effect -- An Explanation
by Mark A. Solis

(2) The Hutchison Effect; Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Energy Top

    John Hutchison of Vancouver, Canada, tinkered with an array of simultaneously interactive fields; a combination of electrostatic, magnetic, microwave and Tesla Coil fields. Without predictable warning and with some randomness, these fields interacted with objects. Levitations, thrusted weights, glowing, apparent softening and bending of hard metal alloys, and strange alloy separations were some of the phenomena reported. Some events were witnessed and reported by George Hathaway." Additional details of the experiments are related in the Electric Spacecraft Journal. One series of experiments was performed while observers from Los Alamos Laboratory, U. S. aircraft firms, and military personnel observed and made video camera recordings. There is no doubt that things happened which were dffficult to explain. However, the experimental procedures were such that John Hutchison would try various combinations of pulsed power, microwaves, etc., without records to correlate what caused what. The best that could be done at the time was to observe. There is no claim of electrogravitic forces here, but massive objects were said to have moved, presumably as a result of the externally applied fields. Mr. Hutchison claimed that the presence of heavy masses was important in his levitation experiments. The phenomenon generated by Mr. Hutchison requires more investigation.


George Hathaway: "The Hutchison Effect --- A Lift and Disruptive System" (1988) ---Paper presented and published by the Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Hull, Ontario, Canada. Andrew Michrowski, Editor. Available from (PACE):

Jeanne Manning (1992): "Rainbow in the Lab: The Hutchison Story," Electric Spacecraft Journal, Issue #4, April 1992, pages 13-20.

Figure 2. The Hutchison Effect
Denver, Colorado, USA ( April 16-18,1993 )

(3) "The Hutchison Effect: A Lift, Disruption & Luminous Energy System" Top

    The original way that Hutchison set out his range of apparatus was, by industrial standards, primitive and crowded, with poor connections and hand-wound coils. But it was with this layout with its erratic standards that he obtained most of the best examples of objects levitating, despite the fact that the maximum power drawn was 1.5 kilowatts, and this from the ordinary power sockets of the house mains. The Hutchison device produces effects which can basically be divided into two categories, propulsive and energetic. It can induce lift in objects made of any material and also propel them laterally.

    It has been noted that there are four types of trajectory that affect objects weighing a few pounds, and all of these upward movements begin with a twisting spiral movement. Also, there has to be a particular geometry in relation to the direction of gravity, i.e., downwards of these objects, for them to be affected in this way. Some objects will not take off if you turn them on their sides, but will if you stand them on their ends. It is evident, therefore, that the relationship of their physical forms to the fields which swirl invisibly around them is important. Returning to the four modes of trajectory, first, there is the looping arc, where objects take off relatively slowly over a period of seconds, loop in the air and fall back to earth; then there is the ballistic take-off where objects shoot upwards suddenly, hit the ceiling and fall back down. A third type of trajectory is a powered one where there appears to be a continuous lifting force; and the fourth is where an object moves upwards and just hovers for some time. As mentioned, these objects can be of any material whatsoever --- wood, plastics, copper, zinc, Styrofoam, etc. It must be mentioned that 99 per cent of the time the objects do nothing at all, and one can wait for days before anything happens, but it is just this erratic unpredictability that one finds when investigating poltergeist activity.

    Another major area of activity is the disruptive phenomenon where materials are destroyed. Hutchison has a collection of metal samples which have been broken and/or deformed, indicating that high energy levels are involved, as mentioned before. As one may imagine, this device has attracted intense interest from a variety of professional, academic and industrial sources, not to mention covert military attention. In the USA, a respected and well-qualified electrical engineer, George Hathaway, has taken on the research and development of the device. As explained, although the device has many interrelated parts, it acts as a single entity. Of the disruptive effects on metals and other materials he relates: "The disruption part of this...system has produced confirmatory physical samples that include water, aluminum, iron, steel, molybdenum, wood, copper, bronze, etc... We have tested various pieces that have broken apart, for hardness, ductility, etc. We have used optical and electron microscopes. "Two samples of aluminum... one of which is twisted up in a left-handed spiral...and another which was blown into little fibres...molybdenum rods which are supposed to withstand temperatures of about 5,000 degrees F... We watched these things wiggle back and forth... In general, a collection of pieces of metal shows that they have been blasted apart or twisted..."

    In domestic settings where 'poltergeist' activity is usually observed, metal-bending and deformities take place with less vigour --- which is to be expected due to the accidental field configurations produced as electromagnetic pollution from power lines, radio transmitters, civilian radar, etc., interacts with Earth energies --- otherwise known as geomagnetic and geoelectric fields&emdashat locations inadvertently built over fault lines. The following example taken from a well-known case in the UK --- the Enfield poltergeist --- shows a typical instance of metal- bending: "It was 10.15 am on 6 December 1977. Janet was leaning on the kitchen worktop, and her mother was sitting down. Both were out of reach of the stove. Suddenly, they both heard a noise coming from the teapot --- the same metal one that Grosse had seen rocking in front of his eyes. Mrs Harper picked up the pot and found that its stout metal lid had arched upwards, just as the spoons had done, bending right out of shape so that it no longer fitted the pot. I took the lid in both hands, and even using considerable force I was unable to bend it back."

    Hathaway, in his descriptions of metal deformity, clearly gives the impression of intense energies at work: "The largest piece [of metal] is about 12-13 inches long. It's two inches in diameter, of regular mild steel, and a 3/8 of an inch long part was blasted off the end and crumbled like a cookie." However, even the domestic 'poltergeist' displays phenomena where extremely high energy levels are involved, although in the following example, also from the Enfield case, we get the impression that more conventional high-magnetic-field densities are involved: "Mr Playfair...was already on his feet and standing in the doorway of their bedroom, wondering if he was seeing things. "The entire iron frame of the gas fire had been wrenched out of the wall, and was standing at an angle on the floor, still attached to the half-inch-diameter brass pipe that connected it to the mains. The pipe had been bent through an angle of thirty-two degrees. This was a major demolition job, for the thing was cemented into the brickwork, and it was out of the question to suggest that one of the children could have wrenched it out. When we finally dismantled the whole apparatus, we found it quite a job even to move. It must have weighed at least fifty pounds." [3]

    We may ask ourselves what new directions for investigation into 'poltergeists' are open to us in the light of the Hutchison Effect. Startling as it may seem, an answer is there ready-made for us in the almost matter-of-fact information that Hathaway supplies: "Fragments have been analyzed and found to have an anomalously high silicon content, although the original material was not silicon steel...a standing piece is 5-6 inches tall, 1 and 1/4 inches in diameter and is a piece of case-hardened steel... The case-hardening has been blown off at the top and about 3/4 of an inch of it vaporized during an experiment...a piece of iron was analyzed for composition which showed anomalously high amounts of copper...wood particles were also found inside a piece of aluminum..."

    Evidently, the energies involved are able to reorganize materials in a way that is virtually impossible by any other means, but we are now provided with a previously unheard-of perspective. From the Hutchison experiments, it is clear that an analysis of the composition of metals at the 'poltergeist' site, in order to detect similar mixture-anomalies, is an essential investigative procedure. Although we may shelve theories of psychokinesis and separate them out from 'poltergeist' activity as belonging to dice-throwing experiments or the spoon-bending of Uri Geller, the weird physical antics of the mixing and matching fields of the Hutchison Effect provide us with something far stranger. This underscores the point made earlier that although it sounds as if the enigma of the 'poltergeist' is being diminished by identifying it as electromagnetic field activity, in actual fact the mystery is merely being redirected. Physicists and electrical engineers should now reconsider the nature of severely modulated electromagnetic fields, for there are evidently previously unrealized potentials. The energies involved in the Hutchison Effect are clearly the same ones at work during 'poltergeist' activity, and it is only the ignorance and entrenched positions of the psychical research fraternity that prevent them from accepting these insights into electromagnetic energy potentials. These energies include weird thermal effects. During Hutchison's experiments, flames have been produced and emitted from blocks of concrete, and fires have broken out in different parts of the building where the device was housed. Again, these effects are typical of 'poltergeist' reports. On one occasion, a steel file was held in place against a wooden board by two plywood struts, to prevent it taking off. The file glowed white-hot, but the board when examined afterwards was not even singed. Such mischievous thermal antics of 'phantom arsonists' have been attributed to the 'spirit energy of the poltergeist', whatever that may be, but Hathaway's warnings are more to do with effective safety practices in the laboratory: "From time to time there are scorch marks on the boards from other experiments. The apparatus makes fire spontaneously in parts of the lab, if you're not careful."

    The device can also induce unusual aurora-like lighting effects in mid-air. Once when Hutchison was filming in 1981, a sheet of iridescence suddenly descended between the camera and some of the hardware being used. It had a strange pinkish center to it, and after it hovered there for a short period it vanished just as suddenly as it had appeared. Hutchison actually thought he had been hallucinating, but when the film was developed it transpired that there had actually been something objective there. Once again, the Enfield case provides us with comparable examples of strange, luminous phenomena in a domestic setting, and in this extract they are accompanied by other typical phenomena also explainable within the Hutchison Effect: "The Harpers hoped to find some peace and quiet in the Burcombes' house, but it was not to be. From the kitchen Sylvie suddenly let out a piercing scream and dropped the kettle she was holding. It was some time before she could calm down enough to describe what had happened. 'I was just pouring the water from the kettle into the teapot,' she said, 'when something appeared right in front of my eyes and then dropped onto the kitchen unit top, and bounced once.' It was a plastic rod, about six inches long, from one of the children's toy sets. 'I sort of looked down, opened my eyes, and this thing was in front of me,' she told Grosse when he arrived shortly afterwards. 'I screamed, shouted and jumped back, and after I jumped back I saw the thing jump and come up again.' "Grosse questioned Mrs Burcombe very carefully about this incident, which seemed to be a genuine case of one of the rarest of all psychic phenomena: materialization. The plastic rod had definitely not been thrown at her, she insisted. It had just appeared in front of her eyes and dropped down... But he had already seen too much, in both his own and his sister's homes. He had watched open-mouthed as a lamp slowly slid across a table and fell to the floor, vibrating violently. He had seen a drawer open by itself. He had felt an invisible force stop him closing his own bedroom door, which simply stuck half-closed though it normally swung shut on its own. And he had seen something far more alarming as he stood one day at the bottom of the Harper's staircase, looking up it. 'I saw this light,' he said. 'It was the equivalent, I should say, of twelve inches vertical. It looked like a fluorescent light behind frosted glass, which burned fiercely and gradually faded away'..." [4]

    With the insights gained from what is possible during operation of the Hutchison device, coupled with my own findings that 'poltergeist' activity takes place at locations that are electromagnetic hot-spots, we can begin to understand what is going on in such cases. Unusual light phenomena can occur, and on consulting Burke's Handbook of Magnetic Phenomena we find several mechanisms documented where magnetic fields interact with light to produce specific optical effects that are predictable in laboratory conditions, but are obviously most startling when they occur spontaneously in domestic settings. Having stated this, however, the sheet of iridescent light which appeared during Hutchison's experiments also came as an unexpected and surprising phenomenon. In the extract given above, it is not difficult to rethink the apparent materialization of the plastic rod as a typical trajectory of the Hutchison Effect, observed many times and recorded on video. Likewise, the lamp slowly sliding across the table and vibrating could have come straight out of the catalogue of effects similarly induced. In fact, compared with the extreme effects that Hutchison can obtain with his device, domestic 'poltergeist' phenomena which previously seemed so dramatic, now seem quite tame. But as already noted, this lessening of effect is consistent with the fact that the Hutchison device involves a concentrated collection of devices which appear to act as a single entity, whereas an electromagnetic hot-spot occurs by the chance juxtaposition of freak environmental field sources. Unfortunately, the investigators present during the 'poltergeist' activity at Green Street, Enfield, England, in the late 1970s, did not carry out a thorough field survey or identify the field sources involved, despite the fact that a magnetometer registered distinct deflections as objects were 'thrown' across the room. In fact, there is the distinct impression that, for them, electromagnetic fields were not a welcome explanation for the phenomena they witnessed, as the Playfair book relates how they discontinued use of the magnetometer once it showed that power surges occurred in conjunction with physical phenomena: "When everybody was settled into bed, we switched on both tape recorders, Eduardo's being connected to the signal from the magnetometer, and left the room, since I had told him that nothing would happen if we both stayed there. From the landing we could keep an eye on the dial of the machine, and in the following forty minutes Janet's pillow was twice thrown across the room just as it had been the previous evening in my presence. This time, of course, I could not see Janet, although Mrs Harper assured me at once that she had not thrown it. And each time the needle on the magnetometer did indeed deflect, though Eduardo thought this might have been caused by creaking bedsprings." [5]

    It is difficult to understand how bedsprings could cause power surges strong enough to register on a magnetometer (I, myself, have used many types of these instruments during investigations), and even more difficult to understand how they could induce deflections which happened to coincide with the movements of objects. Also, it's a wonder the investigators did not eliminate this as an option, if they thought it was possible, by simply moving the instrument away from the bedsprings. Magnetometers are of course designed to withstand the effects of magnetic fields, and so it is even more puzzling why the following reasoning and actions were employed: "I was a little worried that he might have to go back to his university and report that the expensive instrument he had borrowed without permission had broken down, so we called off the experiment once we were satisfied that it seemed possible that there was some link between poltergeist activity and anomalous behavior of the surrounding magnetic field." [6]

    One of the primary investigators of the Green Street 'poltergeist' in Enfield, North London, was Maurice Grosse, who has given many lectures on his experiences and is now regarded as one of the leading authorities on this kind of phenomenon. On the whole, 'poltergeists' are regarded as discarnate and mischievous entities who home in on the energies of an adolescent focus and who unintentionally wreak havoc wherever they go, although particular locations are usually favored for the most spectacular phenomena. In the course of my career as an investigator, I have discovered that 'poltergeist' activity takes place in electromagnetic hot- spots, and is electromagnetic in nature. However, 'poltergeist expert' Maurice Grosse takes a different view: "Albert's enthusiasm for his suppositions does him credit, but...displays a distinct lack of practical experience of psychic phenomena... I look forward with great interest to the day when flying boxes, stones, toys, heavy items of furniture, plus spontaneous fires and water phenomena, together with the passage of matter through matter, levitation, metal bending, to name just a few examples of poltergeist high jinks I have personally experienced, can be explained by electromagnetic and bioelectromagnetic activity."7 Well, Maurice, this is the day you have been waiting for! In fact, it was "the day" over 15 years ago when Guy Lyon Playfair's book on the Enfield 'poltergeist' was published in 1981 in the UK, when at the same time on the other side of the world in British Columbia, Canada, John Hutchison's device was just getting underway and generating all of the physical 'poltergeist' activity you were considering.


    This is not the place to fully expound my own biological research into how the human body reacts to prolonged field exposure, except to say that the body eventually acts as an oscillator and can add to the electromagnetic mayhem generated at hot spots. That is to say, I would add to the Hutchison Effect by including my own findings, as outlined in my books, which point to 'poltergeists' being electromagnetic phenomena, and my conclusion that there is a bioelectromagnetic aspect where the human body behaves as another piece of electrical apparatus or hardware and re-radiates generalized ambient fields in more beam-like, coherent forms. This is a symptom of an increasingly common clinical condition known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EH), caused by exposure to electromagnetic pollution from power lines, transmitters, etc. The condition was the subject for an international conference of medical specialists and academics at Graz, Austria, in 1994. It is treated at the Breakspear Hospital in Hertfordshire, England. However, nobody in psychical research here in England seems to be aware of EH or the work of John Hutchison, and there are fixed ideas which are protected with a religious fervor. Freak electromagnetic field conditions which seem to stretch the laws of physics to almost breaking point are not a welcome conclusion, although the history of science is littered with painful upheavals where the established view is turned on its head, and iconoclasts like myself and, unwittingly, John Hutchison, threaten the status quo. For example, Dr John Beloff, the Editor of Anomaly, the respected journal of the Society of Psychical Research, wrote to me to tell me: "Whatever the relevance of exposure to EM has no obvious bearing on psychic experiences in general." Having investigated reports of apparitions and 'poltergeists' in hot-spot locations for over three years, and measured the fields present with my trusty field meter, this statement made no sense at all. Perhaps the reader will have some inkling of the sort of establishment opposition I am up against, or may even refuse to believe the Hutchison Effect themselves. However, it must be remembered that a number of well-known electrical engineering organizations have been involved. For example, McDonnell-Douglas Aerospace and the Max Planck Institute in Germany, both took many photographs, some of which appear here. I anticipate that there will be a wave of controversy as a result of this article, if the reactions here in the UK are anything to go by, and I would be interested in any constructive suggestions that readers may have.


1. Burke, Harry E., Handbook of Magnetic Phenomena, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, NY, 1986.
2. Playfair, Guy Lyon, This House Is Haunted, Sphere Books, UK, 1981, p. 113.
3. ibid., p. 62.
4. ibid., p. 45.
5. ibid., pp. 77-78.
6. ibid.
7. Anomaly, Journal of the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena, UK, vol. 17, November 1995.

About the Author: Albert Budden, B.Ed., is an investigator specialising in the scientific study of the paranormal as well as electromagnetics and health. He is the author of several books, including Allergies and Aliens: The Visitation Experience-An Environmental Health Issue (Discovery Times Press, 1994), UFOs: Psychic Close Encounters- The Electromagnetic Indictment (Blandford, 1995), and The Poltergeist Machine: The Hutchison Effect-A Lift and Disruption System (Discovery Times Press, 1996). He is a member of the Environmental Medicine Foundation.

Item # 0002091 - LEVITATION, THE HUTCHISON EFFECT, JOHN HUTCHISON, SCIENTIST --- One hr video $12.00. This brilliant scientist discovered how to manipulate the environment to have tangible items levitate without human interaction. His discovery is simply named, The Hutchison Effect. This show updates his pursuit to expand on his 1979 success and shows footage of his work. What an opportunity to see him tell his story and show his stuff. A keeper!

Order at

Figure 3. The Hutchison Effect: a Lift, Disruption and Luminous Energy System
by Albert Budden

(4) "The Dirt Cheap Rocks of John Hutchison" Top

    If you ask the other residents of a certain apartment building in Vancouver, they may admit to being curious about John Hutchison. They see a tall, muscular man who carts old consoles of electronic equipment onto the elevator nearly every week. Their curiosity increased the day a Japanese television crew showed up and disappeared inside his apartment for a few hours. And in the summer of 1995, Hutchison further puzzled onlookers by sitting on the curb and picking out stones, Why would a rockhound sort through ordinary street rocks?

    What the neighbors do not know is that John Hutchison is well-known in new-energy circles, and is even known to some who move in the circles of established science. His visitors have included distinguished physicists. But unlike Shoulders and Lambertson, he is a self-taught scientist. As a boy in Vancouver, he read about Nikola Tesla and then startled neighbors with Tesla coil experiments in his backyard.

    While in his twenties, he developed a medical problem that resulted in his living on a small disability pension. For years, he lived a generally reclusive life, digging for rare electrical equipment in military surplus stores and junkyards, and carrying his finds home on the city bus. Apart from time spent as a volunteer at a local ecology center, he spent hours in his bedroom-turned-laboratory, patiently rebuilding equipment. He considered opening a museum.

Antigravity and the Hutchison Effect

    Hutchison's life changed drastically in 1979 when, upon starting up an array of high-voltage equipment, he felt something hit his shoulder. He threw the piece of metal back to where it seemed to have originated, and it flew up and hit him again. This was how he originally discovered the Hutchison effect. When his Tesla coils, electrostatic generator, and other equipment created a complex electromagnetic field, heavy pieces of metal levitated and shot toward the ceiling, and some pieces shredded.

    What is the Hutchison effect? As with much of the new-energy field, no one can say for sure. Some theorists think the effect is the result of opposing electromagnetic fields cancelling each other out, creating a powerful flow of space energy.

    A Vancouver businessman heard about the Hutchison effect, contacted Hutchison, and brought in a consulting engineer to form a company that would promote technology developed from the effect. Despite demonstrations to potential customers from both Canada and the United States, things did not work out, and Hutchison and the company parted ways in 1986.

    After a couple of other abortive business tries, including a sojourn in Germany, Hutchison returned to Vancouver in late 1990 and again lived a relatively reclusive life. Piece by piece, he sold what remained of his laboratory equipment in order to pay his bills. It would be several years before he could reestablish his collection.

    Hutchison wanted to connect with other researchers, but the local media had given his work the weird-science treatment, and didn't take him seriously. However, material on the Hutchison effect was included in a Japanese book on Hutchison's life and work that sold well in Japan. Living in a country with almost no natural resources has led the Japanese to take new-energy ideas very seriously, as we will see in Chapter 8.

    As a result, Hutchison was asked to speak in Japan, where thousands of people paid to attend his two lecture tours. These tours were organized by Hiroshi Yamabe, a well-known Tesla lecturer who made his fortune in such advanced engineering fields as robotics and artificial intelligence. Yamabe offered to set up a laboratory for Hutchison, but the Canadian was ambivalent about the prospect of moving to Japan.

Beyond the Hutchison Effect: The Dirt Cheap Energy Converter

    Hutchison was undecided about what to do. He had moved beyond the Hutchison effect and into the field of space energy, and had acquired a Canadian business manager. The winter before his 1995 Japanese tour, Hutchison built a working space energy device about the size of a microwave oven. The Hutchison Converter was based on Tesla's resonance principle. Tesla demonstrated this principle by steadily pulsing bursts of energy into his electric coils, each burst coming before energy from the previous burst had time to die away. This led to higher and higher amounts of energy, like a child going higher and higher on a swing.

    Hutchison captured the same pulsing, rhythmic energy by using crystals of barium titanate, a material that can capture the pulses of certain electromagnetic frequencies in the way that a radio can pick up certain radio frequencies. When the crystal pulses, or resonates, it produces electric power.

    I saw a demonstration in which the converter put out six watts, enough to power a motor that kept a small propeller spinning furiously. The whirring of a tiny propeller looked rather silly, until one realized that the apparatus contained no batteries, no fuel, and no connection to a power outlet It worked continuously for months.

    One day while experimenting, however, Hutchison cracked a crucial part and decided to take the unit apart.

    He built a smaller, more portable model to take on his speaking tour. Resembling an Oscar statue in size and shape, the portable converter put out slightly more than a watt of power. It lit a tiny lamp as a demonstration and also ran a small motor.

    At the end of the tour, in front of an audience of about 500 Hiroshima residents, Hutchison slapped the device onto a table lit by the bright lights of a television crew. He quickly unscrewed all the parts and revealed its inner details, while the camera zoomed in for a closeup and a pair of chopsticks provided a scale to show the size of the device. It was clear that the converter contained no batteries. Afterward, men crowded around Hutchison, offering him their business cards and asking him to sell them a supply of barium titanate.

    Back home, Hutchison's business advisor fretted that the inventor had given away his secrets. But Hutchison shrugged his shoulders; he had gone beyond the prototype technology he had taken to Japan. He now had a new secret - the stovetop process he called Dirt Cheap because the ingredients included common rocks.

    The new process grew out of his use of barium titanate. He wondered, "Why can't I make a material that works even better?" Hutchison knew that other researchers had put electrodes on certain rocks to show that the rocks generated a tiny electric current, somehow soaked up from the cosmos.

    So Hutchison sorted through small stones on the street in front of his apartment and threw them into a test tube-sized metal container. Next, he added a mixture of low-cost, common chemicals, he won't reveal which ones and put this rock soup on the stove to simmer. This allowed water to evaporate and tiny pockets of air to rise from the stones so that the chemicals could enter them. Before the mixture cooled into a solid, he added specially treated posts to draw electricity from the crystal-like substance th at had formed. Again, no one is entirely sure as to how the Dirt Cheap method works, although one physicist told Hutchison that the Casimir effect, used by Ken Shoulders to create charge clusters, may be at work (see page 61).

    When he first discovered his Dirt Cheap process, Hutchison didn't bother to patent it. He had heard from other inventors how their laboratories had been vandalized and their property had been stolen once the Patent Office had been notified, and he was not eager to be the first inventor to take a bold step by manufacturing a large home- or factory-sized unit that could restructure industries. Besides, in the 1980s --- when he was still working with the Hutchison effect --- he had received a few threatening comments from strangers.

    How could Hutchison enjoy his peaceful life and still get a space energy product to the public in a low-key manner? He says he has hit upon an unusual strategy: building miniature flying saucers powered by Dirt Cheap-supplied electricity, and selling them as space-energy children's toys. Hutchison hopes an environmentally safe toy that lights up without batteries will intrigue the public into buying Dirt Cheap devices that could power large appliances. And perhaps, the Dirt Cheap process could help lead to a world of nonpolluting new energy.

Figure 4. The Dirt Cheap Rocks of John Hutchison
by Lance Cleveland

(5) "John Hutchison, The Wild Scientist From Vancouver" Top

Photo: Dr. John Hutchison in his living room surrounded by a collection of ship instruments. As he has removed furniture and other household items to give room for the multitude of equipment, the feeling is like being inside a submarine.  
(?/?/?) Source:
John Hutchison, The Wild Scientist From Vancouver
( 20.08.2001. Update 04.02.2002 )

We spotted John walking on the street in New Westminster, Vancouver. The tall man with absent daydreaming look in the eyes below his characteristic leather helmet was easy to recognize even if never seen him before.

    This self educated physicist has practically become one of the living symbols of new energy experimenting. Not without side effects. John has taken some precautions to guard his privacy, with some humorous wink in his intelligent eyes. Right under the CIA decorated door eye was a sign stating:

We followed John In...

    There was just enough room in the hall for the door to open. When walking sideways we could fit through the narrow space to step over a box between shelves and come into John's apartment.

    John has appeared on stage of international TV shows quite a lot of times. He likes to tell about his famous friends like movie stars, millionaires, scientists and government employees. Photos of many of them were fixed beside kitchen door, or what had once been one. Kitchen was loaded with equipment.

    "My friends now and then send me few tens of thousands of dollars just to see what comes out with my experiments. Once I even got an Independence Day greeting from the White House. I thought it was a joke until I got one the
Photo: John shows light to tell about his famous friends with whom he has been photographed.
(?/?/?) Source:
next year again. In the U.S. free energy is quite a popular topic and big business" , John tells."I am supported by my friends who are American and German millionaires. I have sold some of my free energy batteries to Japan. I also know high ranking U.S. officials like John Alexander. I have been demonstrating my effects for the U.S. government several times."


Free Energy Battery ---

    The version that John showed was made of rhodium plated polarized quartz discs bound together with a long bolt. There are also some different types of discs between. The array has been taped to a rigid spine holding it straight. "It gives 18 volts and a quarter amp. Tom Bearden instructed me how to do the metal plating on quartz discs."

Photo: John shows the quartz type battery and some drawings of it, taps the battery for a moment and the red LED starts glowing.
(?/?/?) Source:
    John connects battery leads to a LED. Then he starts tapping, bending and hitting the battery in a way only he masters as the builder of the experimental power source.  After a while the battery comes into life and lights the red LED. The LED is connected to the battery without series resistor so the idle voltage stated as 18 volts apparently drops down to the red LED operating voltage of some two volts with load connected. "I sold a 55 000 volt type made to Japan. It was very well made. The owner is now showing it to audience."

    " Attention --- No Government Agents, Federal, Provincial or Municipal Agents of Canada are allowed on these Premises. Those in Violation are subject to prosecution. - - - Exempt news media, USA, Liechtenstein or other countries."

    Another type of John's batteries is the Electric Crystal which has been baked from natural minerals. "I like this one - it is so easy to make and the materials are dirt cheap. I have made honeycombs with 1 cc of material in each cell to give more voltage and current. Good ones that I sold for 35 000 USD gave 3 volts and one amp. I have made prototype for a 55 000 volt battery but it blew up. I have it on video."

    Well, what he then intends to do with them? "Now I would rather get these batteries out of my hands to concentrate on further experiments with the Hutchison Effect", he states.

Rotating Ear In Living Room ---

    One of the eye-catching apparatus resembles a giant ear. "It is a direction finding antenna used in ships", John tells. "I can put it rotating. It does not shake although it is heavy. It just vibrates a little". John kneels down on the floor to avoid being hit by the circling aerial and accelerates it to a speed of several rounds per second. The feeling is so authentic that we have a desire to run to the ship bridge to check the radio beacon markers from the direction finding screen...

    John powers up the rotating direction finding aerial before the balcony door. It works smoothly and quietly. Balcony itself is already reserved for a large sighting device and a ship cannon John has himself built from scrap.

(?/?/?) Source:

Cold Melted Metals ---

    The phrase "Hutchison effect" is used except about John's levitation experiments also about these weird pieces of metal. John tells that the deformations have taken place in room temperature as a result of a complex combination of electromagnetic fields. Left above: Steel. Left below: Aluminum with coin marks and one coin inserted in the partially opened crack. Middle: completely cracked aluminum bar. Right above and below: Aluminum block partially cut open to show a piece of brown material cold melted in. John tells it is wood.

    "Getting the effects is like opening an electromagnetic combination lock. I was actually so busy with adjusting the controls that I had no time to observe how the test pieces behaved in the combination of fields."  About his levitation and cold melting H-effects John likes to think their origin connected with external dimensions. This explanation is fascinating. Now one may be manipulating with some Interdimensional wormholes within matter and it's basic particles.

Photo: John with examples of his Hutchison Effect test objects.
(?/?/?) Source:

    Afterwards, an alternative way of explaining the cold melting appears in visitor's mind. When exposing the object to a combination of electromagnetic fields with many frequencies simultaneously one actually may be trying to hit as many of the atom's orbital or nuclear resonances as possible.

    Now as the atom is busy oscillating by itself and trying to stay in one piece under the strain of excess energy, it has other things to worry about than trying to keep tight bonds with neighboring atoms. While experimenter turns more power and hits more of it's resonances, the outer electrons responsible for metallic bonds start to shake themselves loose from other atoms and they start to slide past each other. The result is a soft, trembling jelly of metal.

    After the fields are cut off, the metal pieces of cause calm down after it's momentary nightmare of what appeared like melting in comfortable, cool room temperature. Metallic bonds settle for their familiar firm handshake with neighboring atoms with the resulting deformations John just showed - the Hutchison Effect.

    John states that today he co-operates only with some distinguished U.S. scientists like Ken Shoulders. Indeed, when thinking it closely these John's experiments may have something in common with Shoulders' discovery about electron cluster sparks which seem to have some non-heating means of taking matter apart.

    By Shoulders, the energy of an electric spark is less than what is required for melting equal amount of substance. So the electron packet or cluster present in sparks is obviously having some alternative means of loosening atomary bonds within matter than heating. Here we have a connection to John's cold melting effects with electromagnetic fields and high voltage. For more information about Shoulders' electron cluster, see his fine description, "Charge Clusters In Action."

    "With one levitation experiment the object started to vertically circle around in the air." We tried to explain this due to interference in the field due to slight instrument frequency wobbling or drifting. About possible changes in object inertial mass in his levitation experiments John could not tell.

The Character Behind


(?/?/?) Source:
Effect' ---

    If you choose to be a personality, let's be so full ahead. It is easy to stir people and you can imagine ordinary citizen's confusion when landing on the deck of John's apartment. And for sure, John enjoys to observe visitor's reactions...

    We also got an impression of a sedate, peaceful man with a very clear train of thoughts and an instant ability to concentrate on any interesting subject. When concentrating on something, everything else in daily schedules is shut out of his mind. He just drifts from a moment to another grasping wholly to each one.  When thinking, John is out of our time.

    John can also convincingly play fool when needed --- or just for fun --- and he likes doing so. His unique appearance he is intentionally keeping  intensifies this another 'Hutchison Effect'. Even if knowing him you may be easily tricked, unless you know the exceptionally smart mind you are dealing with.

(?/?/?) Source:
(?/?/?) Source:
(?/?/?) Source:

Figure 5. John Hutchison, The Wild Scientist From Vancouver
( 20.08.2001. Update 04.02.2002 )

(6) "Successful Replication of The Hutchison Effect" (10 October, 1998) Top

    Two important aspects of the Hutchison Effect have been confirmed independently by scientific researchers Richard Hull and Ken Shoulders.

    Historical investigations by Richard Hull of the early development of the Farnsworth Fusion Machine have uncovered independent confirmations by several of the researchers on the project that solid metal portions of the apparatus became transparent on a number of occaisions.  In one such case, the red plasma filaments were visible through the ion guns, giving the impression that the ion beams were standing in mid-air, as if physically outside the system, though they were not.

    Spontaneous invisibility of materials in the "active zone" of a Pharos-type Hutchison apparatus is also a characteristic of the Hutchison effect.

    These events regarding the Farnsworth Fusor were reported in Electric Spacecraft Journal.

    Physicist Ken Shoulders, who has an excellent reputation as a theoretician and experimenter, has successfully replicated the anomalous localized heating effects of the Hutchison Effect. These effects often involve the spontaneous breakage of metals under what appears to be extreme thermal stress, and yet there is no evidence of the presence of heat in adjoining materials, where under normal circumstances one would expect scorching or carbon scoring, at the very least.

    Moreover, Ken Shoulders has succeeded in proposing a viable theoretical explanation for these effects, and is now working to fully confirm the theory.

Figure 6. Successful Replication of The Hutchison Effect
by Mark Solis & John Hutchison
Source: ( October 10, 1998 )

(7) "John Hutchison Raided At Gunpoint By Canadian Police" (18 March 2000) Top

     Word has been received this morning, Saturday, 18 March 2000, that John Hutchison has been raided at gunpoint by Canadian Police.

     John's apartment in New Westminster, British Columbia, was raided at 2 PM Friday, 17 March 2000, by gun-wielding police searching for firearms. An antique gun collection
owned by Hutchison was confiscated in its entirety.

     According to Hutchison, a phone call was received at about 2 PM Friday, stating that it was the police, and asking John to answer his door. Hutchison states that there were 8 to 10 individuals pointing weapons at him, only two or three of whom were in uniform. The rest were dressed in dark clothing.

     Hutchison was handcuffed and placed on the outside steps while police searched the apartment.  No warrant was claimed or shown at any time. Police stated only that there had been an anonymous complaint that firearms were being brought into the apartment.

     Police also called in an "electrical inspector" to examine John's lab equipment. This is the famous "Hutchison apparatus" with which John produces the renowned "Hutchison Effect."

     Additional individuals dressed in suits were brought in who took extensive photographs of the Hutchison apparatus. Hutchison indicates that these persons had an "official air"
about them, and that they might be Government agents, especially given the confiscation of the original Hutchison lab, which took place while John was out of the country in 1990. None of these persons showed any identification.

     Those who have followed John's career of invention and innovation will recall that his first laboratory was forcibly seized by the Canadian Government on 24 February 1990 by
the direct order of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. The Government has retained the lab in spite of a court order by Judge Paris of the Supreme Court of British Columbia to return it.

     A previous raid on John Hutchison's apartment involving his collection of antique firearms occured in 1978, and processing took two years. The confiscated antiques were returned at the order of Judge Cronin. These events occurred under the administration of former PM Pierre Trudeau. Former PM Joe Clark, who took over in the 1980s following the Trudeau administration, wrote to Hutchison offering help and support.

     The present raid follows close on the heels of a recent successful levitation performed 11 October 1999 which was videotaped by John. The effect was achieved after six days
worth of attempts.

     However, neighbors called local police to complain about Hutchison's experiment.  It is unclear whether something in their apartment levitated, although there is no other way known at this time that they could have been aware of the levitation experiment that was in progress. The neighbors in question live across the street from Hutchison.     The sound of approaching sirens was recorded on the video soundtrack of Hutchison's camcorder during the experiment, and video of some emergency vehicles and personnel was obtained.

     Further updates on the situation will be posted promptly on this website.

Mark A. Solis ( Shreveport, LA, USA ) -- Webmaster for John Hutchison

Figure 7. John Hutchison Raided At Gunpoint By Canadian Police
by Mark A. Solis
Source: (18 March 2000)

(8) Taming Gravity: Replication of the Hutchison Effect (1999) Top

Taming Gravity

Published in the October 1999 issue.

Source: Photo by Philip Gentry

Ever since electricity was tamed in the 19th century, the idea of manipulating gravity by altering an electromagnetic field has been the subject of intriguing experiments and occasional bursts of irrational exuberance. Physicists insist that because gravity is a basic force of nature, constructing an antigravity machine is theoretically impossible. But recently, and not without some reluctance, they have begun to consider another possibility. Several highly respected physicists say it might be possible to construct a force-field machine that acts on all matter in a way that is similar to gravity. Strictly speaking, it wouldn't be an antigravity machine. But by exerting an attractive or repulsive force on all matter, it would be the functional equivalent of the impossible machine.

While an operational device is at least five years in the future, developers of what can be loosely termed a force-field machine say it has cleared major theoretical hurdles. To demonstrate their claim, they invited POPULAR MECHANICS to visit their Huntsville, Ala., laboratory to see the most important component of their proof-of-concept demonstrator. It is a 12-in.-dia. high-temperature superconducting disc (HTSD). When the force-field machine is complete, a bowling ball placed anywhere above this disc, which resembles a clutch plate, will stay exactly where you left it.

Everyone knows that gravity is the glue that keeps our feet on the ground and the planets on their orbits. It operates on every single molecule and atom in our bodies. Physicists define gravity as the attractive force between two masses. They also say it is the weakest and most pervasive of the four basic forces of nature. The others are the strong force and weak force that operate within the atomic nucleus and the electromagnetic force that explains everything from refrigerator magnets to light bulbs, telecommunications to chemistry.

Machines that use electromagnetism to defy gravity have a checkered history. In 1911, Edward S. Farrow, a New York engineer, staged public demonstrations of a weight-reducing device he called a condensing dynamo. In all likelihood it was no more than an electromagnet, a small version of the behemoths that lift wrecks into junkyard crushers. Earlier this year, BAE Systems, a major British aerospace company, announced that it had taken up the gravity quest with an initiative called Project Greenglow. The mainstream physics community immediately dropped a load of wet blankets on the defense contractor, claiming it was wasting money on a bad idea.

The Einstein Connection

Prospects for the Alabama HTSD are attracting serious attention because this particular disc was fabricated by Ning Li, one of the world's leading scientists. In the 1980s, Li predicted that if a time-varying magnetic field were applied to superconductor ions trapped in a lattice structure, the ions would absorb enormous amounts of energy. Confined in the lattice, the ions would begin to rapidly spin, causing each to create a minuscule gravitational field.

To understand how an HTSD is critical to the construction of a force-field machine, it's useful to know something about an unusual state of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate. In our day-to-day lives we encounter three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas. In the laboratory it is possible to create another state of matter in which all the atoms are aligned in a way that makes them behave as if they were one single atom. This novel state of matter is named after Albert Einstein and Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose who predicted its existence decades ago.

In an HTSD, the tiny gravitational effect of each individual atom is multiplied by the billions of atoms in the disc. Using about one kilowatt of electricity, Li says, her device could potentially produce a force field that would effectively neutralize gravity above a 1-ft.-dia. region extending from the surface of the planet to outer space.

AC Gravity

"The first thing to understand about Li's device is that it is neither an antigravity machine nor a gravitational shield," says Jonathan Campbell, a scientist at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center who has worked with Li. "It does not modify gravity, rather it produces a gravity-like field that may be either attractive or repulsive." Li describes her device as a method of generating a never-before-seen force field that acts on matter in a way that is similar to gravity. Since it may be either repulsive or attractive she calls it "AC gravity." "It adds to, or counteracts, or re-directs gravity," explains Larry Smalley, the former chairman of the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) physics department. "Basically, you are adding a couple of vectors to zero it [gravity] out or enhance it."

Although he didn't call it AC gravity, Einstein's theory of relativity predicts this effect. All objects produce gravito-magnetic energy, the amount of force proportional to its mass and acceleration. Li says that the main reason this energy has never been detected is that the Earth spins very slowly and the field's strength decreases rapidly as you move away from the center of the planet. The first measurements are expected to be made by NASA's Gravity Probe B experiment, which is planned for launch in 2002.

Beginning with the most basic law of physics--force = mass x acceleration--Li reasoned that it would be possible to perform the same experiment here on Earth, using ions locked in a lattice structure inside a superconductor. When an ion rotates around a magnetic field, the mass goes along for the ride. This, according to Einstein, should produce a gravito-magnetic field.

Unlike the planet, ions have a minuscule mass. But also unlike the Earth, they spin their little hearts out, rotating more than a quadrillion times a second, compared with the planet's once-a-day rotation. Li calculates this movement will compensate for the small mass of the ions.

Li explains that as the ions spin they also create a gravito-electric field perpendicular to their spin axis. In nature, this field is unobserved because the ions are randomly arranged, thus causing their tiny gravito-electric fields to cancel out one another. In a Bose-Einstein condensate, where all ions behave as one, something very different occurs.

Li says that if the ions in an HTSD are aligned by a magnetic field, the gravito-electric fields they create should also align. Build a large enough disc and the cumulative field should be measurable. Build a larger disc and the force field above it should be controllable. "It's a gravity-like force you can point in any direction," says Campbell. "It could be used in space to protect the international space station against impacts by small meteoroids and orbital debris."

Concept To Machine

Although Li's theory has passed through the scientific quality-control process called peer review and an HTSD has been constructed, important technical unknowns remain. This summer, Li left UAH. She and several colleagues are striking out on their own to commercialize devices based on her theory and a proprietary HTSD fabrication technique.

Li's next step is to raise the several million dollars needed to build the induction motor that individually spins the ions in the HTSD. "It will take at least two years to simulate the machine on a computer," says Smalley, who plans to join Li's as-yet-unnamed company after he retires from UAH. "We want to avoid the situation that occurred in fusion where extremely expensive reactors were built, turned on, and didn't work as intended because of unforeseen plasma instabilities." Li says she has turned down several offers for financial backing. It is less about money than control. "Investors want control over the technology," she says. "This is too important. It should belong to all the American people."

Reader Comments3. RE: Taming Gravity

I has been trying since long to read about gravity. I had not been clear to me since my school days. Later on I realised that most of the people do not know much. A ggod article.

2. RE: Taming Gravity
Gravity & mass attraction are properties of Virtual matter & are not the same things! It's a shame scientists disregard Virtual matter & it's properties regarding force fields, gravity, etc. PM may have run an article about Virtual matter about 25-28 yrs ago, as did the press, Ie:1 Virtual matter can be made into matter & matter can be made into Virtual matter. 2 Virtual matter can affect matter, but matter cannot affect Virtual matter, (force fields). Also, properties ascribed to matter (electricity-magnetism-light) etc. are extensions of Virtual matter's properties.

1. RE: Taming Gravity
WOW! What a brake through! Please check out this Discover May 1999 article to help fill out the history and details of this field:

Figure 8. Taming Gravity: Replication of the Hutchison Effect (1999)
Published in the October 1999 issue.

(9) The Hutchison Effect: a key to the Bermuda Triangle in Vancouver? Top

Gian J. Quasars 'Into the Bermuda Triangle'The list of eyewitnesses and survivors of extraordinary and unexplainable events in the Bermuda Triangle is impressive.  Airliner pilots have encountered unexplained and severe “jolts” and “pulses” out of nowhere that have sent big jumbos dashing to the surface in precipitous dives.  Clouds have “come out of nowhere” and caused compasses to spin and engine RPMs to drop off.  Objects and luminous phenomena have sped past.  All electronic equipment has ceased for no known reason:  cell phones, radios, navigational equipment, LORAN (LOng RAnge Navigation).  There are areas of dead spots, bending of space, loss of horizon.  Below are just a few examples of some of the cases.  These are not cranks or crackpots.  All are accomplished pilots or shipmasters.  These and dozens more can be found in “Into the Bermuda Triangle” by Gian J. Quasar, which can be purchased from by clicking on the hyperlink.

1956 1970 2001
Even the Coast Guard has been the unwitting victim of the unusual.  A classic case. One of the strangest and most unusual flights in the Bermuda Triangle.  It is engraven on the pilot’s mind to this day. A phenomenal sighting!  A pattern is emerging.
Frank_Flynn Bruce Gernon Paul Vance
Frank Flynn Bruce Gernon Paul Vance
“I talked to many oceanographers, and none of these people could shed any light whatsoever on what it might have been.” “It has become a permanent part of my memory, since I have been memorizing it for over 30 years.” “I thought, My God there is something to this Bermuda Triangle stuff after all.”
Click on the image of either Frank Flynn, Bruce Gernon, or Paul Vance or click on the following hyperlink to go to www.Bermuda-Triangle.Org, “Those Who Lived to Tell” for greater detail on the experiences of these individuals.

So what may you ask is the connection between the Bermuda Triangle mysteries and Bob Lazar’s “Sport Model Flying Disc” with its gravity field propulsion system or the “Philadelphia Experiment and the Secrets of Montauk?”  Ship’s crews and aircraft pilots traveling through the Bermuda Triangle have reported strange clouds or fog and have reported their compasses going into a spin.  The spinning compasses would indicate movement through an intense rotating magnetic field.  The following theories of the Bermuda Triangle mystery seem to indicate the same laws of physics that are associated with UFO propulsion systems and the attempt to make a U.S. Navy Warship visually and RADAR invisible during the “Philadelphia Experiment” in 1943 may be related.  Gravity amplification and Space-Time Compression are produced by rotating magnetic fields as demonstrated by V. V. Rochin and S. M. Godwin’s Gravitational Converter.  The following information is provided courtesy of www.Bermuda-Triangle.Org.

Visible Light Spectrum


Disappearances have confounded and entranced people for thousands of years, from Enoch’s sudden disappearance to Ambrose Bierce’s popular 1880’s articles of people disappearing while simply walking in a field.  But one thing is consistent within the stories, whether true or false — a vortex or funnel is often written in.  For Bierce, these were invisible funnels within a prairie, or anywhere, into which an unsuspecting person walked and was held in a different time or space, though certainly Space-Time Warps were not even a part of scientific or popular vernacular in the 1880s.  For Elijah, he was taken away in a “fiery whirlwind” — a vortex.  For Ezekiel’s vision, whirlwinds turned within whirlwinds.

For the cynical these were only fanciful stories, and Bierce’s were Saturday afternoon mystery magazine pulp.  But literature has an uncanny way of being prophetic.  In the great scientific age of the 20th century, it was discovered that all matter is actually at a level of vortex kinesis, that is, swirling or spiraling motion.  Whether it is the great galaxies, planets, suns, or the smallest atoms, all things rotate upon an axis and revolve around a core.  The natural action of energy is vortex kinesis.

In this article we will probe into what the effects might be if nature or mankind intensified this action within matter.  Can we disrupt the natural rhythm of matter?  Can we affect time, matter and space by doing so?  Let’s go on a journey through facts and potential.

With the 20th century there came mankind’s ability to support a thriving scientific culture.  This allowed men of science to start contemplating such things as space-time warps.  Perhaps they were urged to do so because of popular belief in such topics as expressed in Bierce’s Saturday afternoon pulp or in such popular occult stories as Oliver Lerch’s sudden vanishing.

The truth or falsehood of these stories is not important here.  What is important is that they captured popular imagination, and perhaps made it acceptable for men of science to speak in serious terms about their possibility.

The most famous to give rational body to the idea of space-time warps was undoubtedly Dr. Albert Einstein. His own quote, one of my favorites, set the tenor for his modis operandi for scientific discovery:  “Science is merely the refinement of everyday thinking.”

Using his “Thought Experiments,” his scientific knowledge allowed him to temper and direct his imagination. Thus while other physicists came out of school with the same education he had, they went on to perform only the mechanics of physics, but not the artistry that Einstein would pioneer. In essence, he sat back and thought; he considered; he imagined. These were not flights of fancy; they were based on facts established and rational inference from observed data.

He imagined himself speeding in space, and came up with Relativity. He postulated that gravity was not a force at all, but a curvature of space around a massive body, like a planet, speeding through space. He further postulated that time was continuous with space.

An example may help us to understand. Two speeding cars pacing each other seem not to be moving at all to those inside each. But to a person standing on the side of the road, the cars zoom past at fantastic speed and are gone. But to those inside, life would remain the same; they would see the next car pacing them. It would be the same because they are being propelled at the same speed as the cars. Our planet is like one of those cars:  it is being propelled in space, and us along with it.

The car can be considered in a progression of time as well. Move anywhere on that car and you are fine, or even jump to the next car. It is all right so long as you move to anything moving at the same progression. But try and step off that car while it is moving and you are left in the dust. The car speeds out of sight. Your world has gone. You are now in a diferent progression. You can’t get back until you accelerate fast enough to overtake that car.

Einstein postulated that a curvature of space would cause even light to bend through it— an electromagnetic wavelength that traditionally follows straight lines. Maverick idea. But in 1919 Sir Arthur Eddington detected a change in a star’s position during a total eclipse. Einstein seemed to be right:  space was curving around the planet, and light was being bent. He was awarded his doctorate, which in part read cautiously “for adding significantly to the body of theoretical physics. . .”  Relativity would not be mentioned, as nobody was sure what that was.

So it seemed space indeed was curving around masses in Space.  If this was gravity or the result of gravity, no one is still sure.  But if light were affected, it seemed too that other or all energy wavelengths might be affected.  After all, light is only an electromagnetic wavelength.  If light was curving, then it was slowing.  Might the same be true of space?  Then if time and space were continuous, might it then also be true of that greatest mystery—Time?  Could we slow time by bending space?

The cornerstone of Einstein’s Relativity was, of course, E = mc2 — that is, energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.  It is actually a simple equation, but its ramifications are monumental and universal.  It means that there is an incredible amount of energy in any object, if we could just get at it in the nucleus of its atoms.  If this could be verified, it would seem to mean that Relativity’s basic tenants of space and energy and time being continuous would be one step closer to fact.

It would be by the nuclear detonations at Alamogordo, New Mexico, July 16, 1945, that E = mc2 would be proved.  A chain reaction in the uranium atom caused the greatest explosion man had ever known.  The atomic age had dawned.

As the space age dawned, further proof came of Einstein’s concept of the continuity of time and space.  Atomic clocks placed at orbital heights recorded time passing just slightly faster than those at sea level.  Where gravity, and hence a curvature of space, was greatest time moved more slowly; where it was not, more quickly.  The passage of time as we record and experience it here was actually slower than in space.

Mass— such as this planet— did seem to bend space before it, and with this it did seem to slow time.  Fractionally, granted.  But it finally opened the labyrinth of time to logical conquest.  Theoretically, it was proposed the greater the curvature of space, the greater time would be slowed.  But if the Earth could only slow time fractionally by is massive size and speed through space, what “on earth” or anywhere else could bend space even more to significantly affect the progression of time?

Now, in the above examples of speeding cars obviously they cannot go fast enough to truly bend space and lock one into a different progression of time.  But would it really require huge mass and speed to do it?  The planet was indeed doing it slightly.  But if time’s pathway lay along energy, could not bending or changing its electromagnetic frequencies also bring this about?  There must be other methods to bend electromagnetic wavelengths.

Atomic Clue

We must first begin with the atom, any atom.  There are only a little over 100 atoms in all the Universe that we know of.  All that we see is built out of these and out of a combination of these.  All atoms are made up of protons, electrons and neutrons, except hydrogen which has no neutron.  No atom is different than the other except in number:  Helium, Calcium, Titanium, Tin, whatever; they are all the same thing . . .except in number.  They follow an orderly mathematical progression.  Hydrogen, the simplest atom, has 1 proton in the nucleus and 1 electron in orbit.  Helium has 2; 3 protons in the nucleus and 3 electrons in orbit is no longer a gas; it is Lithium, a silver-while metal.  It goes on and on to Seaborgium, with 106 protons in the nucleus.

Therefore, the difference between all matter must be the electromagnetic energy created by the different number of these charged particles, not in the basic make up of these particles as individuals.  The reason Nitrogen and Oxygen are such different gases cannot be that Nitrogen has 7 protons and 7 electrons and that Oxygen has 8 of each; it must be in the different amount of electromagnetic energy that that one proton and one electron make that changes the substance.

The difference is not in the makeup of the particles, but in the space between the particles in orbit (electrons) and the nucleus (with protons).  That space is the substance of everything.  That space is electromagnetic energy.  That space is “reality.” That space is the atom.  Electromagnetism is the substance of everything.  In essence, that “space” is the substance of all structure.  That space is energy.

Understanding the structure of all matter is fundamental to understand the limitless potential of manipulating or warping electromagnetism, since by doing so you are capable of affecting the very energy that creates all things.  This is far superior to the mere splitting of the nucleus of a complex atom.  That only provides a violent form of energy.  Within the electromagnetic force of the atom is the key to everything:  creation, transmutation . . .limitless power.


Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Iron Atoms

Single atoms of five common elements:  Hydrogen; Carbon; Nitrogen; Oxygen; and Iron.  Not only does the varying number of protons in the nucleus and the varying number and system of orbits of electrons make one substance different from the other, the proximity of one type of atom to another creates an unlimited array of substance.

Water molecule H2O.  In other words, 2 atoms of Hydrogen and 1 atom of Oxygen.  Two gases combine to make a liquid.  It is not a material difference:  the protons are still protons, the electrons still electrons.  Electromagnetic energy has been affected by the proximity of these charged particles making up the atoms.  A new substance is created.

To give you an idea of how universal are these substances and how limitless the potential of what they can create, here is an atomic formula:


Do you know what this formula is?  It is the most complex molecule known to man:  the red blood cell.  Put those many atoms of each substance—three thousand and thirty two atoms of carbon, four thousand eight hundred and twelve atoms of hydrogen, seven hundred and eighty atoms of nitrogen, four atoms of iron, eight hundred and seventy two atoms of oxygen, and twelve atoms of sulfur together in the right order and you have the most complex molecule we know of.  It is something so tiny one needs a high powered microscope in order to see it.  The speed with which the red blood cell carries out its complex functions is incredible.  The complex data it carries is even more mindboggling.  Its communication with the miniscule receptors in the bodily tissues is equivalent to writing the Gettysburg address on the point of a pin while passing that pin after being shot out of cannon.

Atomic Bomb

Atomic Bomb

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

“Science is merely the refinement of everyday thinking.”  Einstein was more than a scientist.  He was actually a great thinker.  The worst in science merely see fact, but the best see potential.  Einstein always considered the potential of any common fact.

Atomic Clock

Atomic Clock

Wherever there is an electric current, there will be a magnetic field at a right angle to it.  Magnetism goes hand in hand with electricity.  The electron is considered a negative charged particle, while the proton is regarded as a positive charged particle, hence the attraction between them.  A neutron is considered a neutral charge and capable of taking either charge.  Electric current is no mystery, but the fact that these tiny particles naturally carry charges, and conveniently opposite charges at that, is a great mystery of matter.  They exist independent of atoms, and solar storms are when charged particles bombard the Earth.

Lithium Atom
Lithium Atom

Beryllium Atom
Beryllium Atom

Hydrogen Atom
Hydrogen Atom

Water Molecule

Water Molecule

Red Blood Cells

Red Blood Cells

Radioactive decay.  The means by which one elements becomes another.  The isotope Uranium 238 (92 protons and 146 neutrons in its nucleus) is unstable, meaning it sheds these particles from its nucleus.  Doing so, the vital loss of these protons and neutrons changes it to another substance:  a lesser complex one.  In this decay chain Uranium changes eventually to common and stable Lead.
3D Radioactivity Symbol Decay Chain for Uranium-238

Decay Chain for Uranium-238

3D Radioactivity Symbol

The loss of these particles obviously means the change in the electromagnetic force of the atom in question.  Losing some of its 92 protons requires that it shed the equal number of electrons.  It becomes a less complex atom eventually such as lead, where the process stops.  Transmutation is the result of the electromagnetic energy changes that result.  In this we can see the power contained in the electromagnetic forces that bind the atom, created by the various particles, their systems of orbit and their number.

Most substances, fortunately, aren’t like Uranium 238.  They are stable and do not decay.  But the example of radioactive decay shows us the power of changing the electromagnetic energy of any atom.  If we could do so, then we could effectively carry on any form of transmutation we want.

This must be the basis behind the success of the Hutchison Effect.  There can be no other proposal.  To render items invisible, at other times transmute them from one substance to another, make objects levitate, burn white hot but not melt surrounding flammable material, or make things “cold melt,” fuse, or disappear, can only be because the atoms of that particular substance and the particular frequency each one has, was interrupted or warped, while the other substances, being on a different frequency (due to the different number of charged particles therein) were unaffected.  This is limitless power . . . if harnessed repeatedly.

What potential exists within nature to create these electromagnetic changes or bend them in such a sense that it imitates bending of space?  How intense does it need to be to cause something we today consider “supernatural” or impossible?  Now we get to the Triangle and to the reports of electromagnetic anomalies and aberrations, disappearances, disintergrations— the crux of its infamous mystery.  Are these indicators that electromagnetic aberrations are occurring for some unknown reason?Underscoring the above is crucial to understanding a space warp.

Space Warp

The atom is often likened to a “mini solar system, most of it space.” It is always surprising to realize that this is true, that the structure of the atom is energy in a confined space between revolving charged particles.  Since everything is made of atoms, everything in this Universe is mostly energy, not materially particulate.  The electrons, protons and neutrons are only a small part of the atom.  It is the space between them that is, ironically, the “substance.” Space in this case filled with electromagnetic energy.

Therefore all matter is not only mostly energy, but it is mostly space.  This is hardly philosophy disguised as science.  This is simple fact.  In the above example of the red blood cell, we noted the number of each atoms.  This translates to 102,408 charged particles making up the atoms of its structure.  These same particles are what is in your computer key board, a wall, a car, rubber, anything.  The red blood cell is different because of their arrangement.  This creates the red blood cell.  Remove the space from that red blood cell and no microscope will be able to detect those tiny particles.

It is the same for everything.  Remove the space from it, and you have very little.

It is possible to estimate how many charged particles are in any given substance.  Simply consider there are 30,000,000,000 red blood cells in the body.  Mathematically, it is possible to determine how many electrons and protons and neutrons make up the blood.  Add the volume of all tissues, of every atom from calcium to Iron, to whatever.  It is beyond number probably.  Take all the space out of the human body and all these charged particles would form a pile that is still so small it is invisible.

The same for a wall— if you know the volume of wood, plaster, etc., and you know the atoms that are the building block of these substances.  You can then calculate how many charged particles are in an 8 x 10 wall.  Remove the space from a wall and the combined particles might not even form a pellet the size of a small baby aspirin.  In other words, take the space out of everything and what you have left isn’t much.

If all is mostly space, why can’t one substance pass freely through another?  Go ahead and run to a wall.  You wont go through.  It’s been tried.  It doesn’t work.  It is not, however, a collision of particles which prevents you from walking through; it is a collision of forces.  The atoms of our body:  hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, calcium, zinc, iron, whatever, are the same as those in the wall; they are in tune, on the same frequency.  They are mutually interactive.  It is not possible to break the forces . . . or is it?

An electric current is nothing more than electron particles traveling along in the same direction, usually along a wire.  These are the same very tiny particles that make of the key elements of every atom:  they are the ones whose tremendously speedy revolutions around the atomic nucleus, and by their number and their speed, help to create the energy of each substance.

If I were to take 1,000,000 volts of high frequency electricity (at 60 cycles alternating current) and pass it through my body to ground there is no question I would look like Ramses’ mummy in short order.  I would be instantly killed.  The trillion, trillions, countless trillion and giga trillions of electrons would destroy my whole body .... Remember, 1 ampere measurement of electric energy is equal to 63.3 billion billion electrons per second at any given point of the current.  That’s a lot of electrons in 1 million volts of high frequency electricity!

But change the frequency of that electricity.  Change it to 65,000 cycles, and you can channel that 1 million volts through your body and out your fingertips like lightning . . . if metal thimbles are provided to allow a point of discharge.  No? . . . Yes, very true.

The question was put to science long ago.  In 1952, Dr. Irwin A. Moon, director of the Moody Institute of Science, demonstrated the reality of it, as have others.  I use his example here since he was actually using it in terms of what we would today call a space warp.

The 1950s was full of such talk and examples, as we were entering the exciting age of the atom and all the new knowledge on the structure of the Universe it gave us.  Unfortunately, we have forgotten the brilliant pioneers of that age.  Today, we think of science only in terms of what monetary advantage its studies can give us.  But the world of science is the world of discovery and adventure.  And it is this world which is giving firm foundation to such things as time and space warps.

Dr. Moon Channeling 1,000,000 Volts of Electricity

Dr. Moon captured channeling 1,000,000 volts of electricity through his body.  He is standing on the conductor.

Since Einstein said “Science is merely the refinement of everyday thinking,” Let’s consider for a moment the above example.

Did it dawn on you?  The same particles that make up any wall (anything period), Dr. Moon channeled through his body.  The electrons passed through harmlessly . . . though I don’t recommend anybody doing this test at home.  What he did was merely to change the frequency.

The very same particles that are key to giving a wall its atomic stability passed freely through him.  If we could change the frequency of the entire atom and not just the charged electron particle, what would be the potential?  Could one not pass freely through a wall?  What if there was another system of atoms that are not mutually interactive with ours?  Could there not be another whole world?  Like adjusting the position of a hologram card, would another whole scene emerge if you could manipulate electromagnetism and then the atom onto frequencies we have not yet discovered?

The work of John Hutchison makes one wonder what the potential in nature is, especially over the ocean, to create electromagnetic aberrations that may have frightening results.

One thing is common then to all the Universe:  to all reality — electromagnetic energy.  If Einstein was right, it would seem time and space — hence matter — are all connected.  If a change over of space could be accomplished by electromagnetism, could the same be the pathway to Time?

Time Warp
All atoms are in vortex kinesis, as it was stated at the beginning.  Therefore all matter is as some level of vortex kinesis.  Since it is the nature of matter, anything that might cause a change in this intensity might bring about surprising changes indeed.

We already know that the great spinning orb of the Earth, and its great mass, affects time fractionally at the surface as compared to orbital heights.  Time is slowed slightly.  But what if we could increase the speed at which the Earth spun, fast enough to even bend space more before it?  Could we then not slow time even more?  It would seem so.  But it is impossible to do that. The Earth is too great a mass for us to manipulate. But warping frequencies into a dangerous spinning vortex may not be as difficult.

A vortex may be the only way because it is spinning energy, an intensified example of the natural state of any matter.

Interestingly, like Elijah’s “fiery whirlwind,” could such a vortex bring about different progressions of time, different exchanges of space by changing the frequency of the atoms in the area?  An energy vortex, like a magnetic vortex, would have unlimited potential on the wavelengths around this planet since it would disrupt them first.  One would not have to waste time trying to bend them with a huge atomic mass like a planet.


Even the great galaxies rotate.  Intensify this effect on any level sufficiently and you can slow the passage of time.  How does time really progress in deep intergalactic space?  Would it progress faster since nothing is out there bending space?  How much could a rapidly spinning magnetic vortex bend the electromagnetic wavelengths and hence space around it?  In relation to a galaxy, our solar system is nothing more than an atom.

One example of an energy vortex on the force fields of this Earth may come from the eye of a hurricane.  Gravity anomalies have been reported recently.  These should not surprise anyone considering the vast swirling energy of a hurricane is centered at its imploding vortex core.

But this is a massive atmospheric vortex, like a tornado.  No one can get close enough without being obliterated (usually).  How could anything experience a time or space anomaly before being destroyed?

Unlike all the atmospheric energy required to start and maintain a hurricane or tornado, magnetic vortices are the result of changes and shifts within the magnetic field of the Earth, deep within its mantel and core.  These vortices are definitely believed to swirl into and out of existence within the body of the Earth.

The recent invention of Dr. Evgeny Podkletnov certainly underscores the potential of a natural magnetic vortex.  His device was created at Tampere University Labs, Finland, in 1996.  It was nothing more than a superconductor (12 inch diameter) sealed inside an outer metal casing filled with liquid nitrogen.  The superconductor was set over three solenoids to magnetically levitate it and start it spinning.  The liquid nitrogen in the outer casing was to keep it cool while this superconductor ring spun at several thousand RPM.

The phenomenal result was accidentally discovered.  One of the assistants’ pipe smoke wafted over the device while it spun at 5,000 rpm.  The smoke straight away went to the top of the room where it hovered.  It was discovered that gravity had been slightly shielded over the device.  In essence, a spinning magnetic field (vortex) affected the most mysterious force field of gravity.  Dr. Podkletnov discovered via measurements that there was a funnel of less gravity 12 inches diameter above the machine going through each floor of the building and possibly then out into space.  When spun to 25,000 rpm, the device took off on its own.

This alarming relationship of gravity to a spinning magnetic field opens the door for future discussions of time and space.  Gravity is essential to everything, especially this subject.  We are unaware of different time progressions because we all live within the same pull of gravity, cocooning the same progression of time.  It is not possible to experience another progression of time or space independent of a field of gravity that is centric to it—in other words, goes with it.  Gravity is essential.  Gravity may be more than just bending space, but the exact curvature of key energy frequencies that become pulled into the area of the mass, like a planet, or are attracted to the great energy of all of its combined atoms.

In the above example of speeding cars, they can never go fast enough to bend space and slow time.  The simple reason is they are within the Earth’s gravity.  At those speeds any person inside would have to be removed from the seat with a putty knife.This is because the car is accelerating, not the people.  They are pushed back by the force of acceleration because the Earth’s gravity is greater, and the Earth is not moving at the speeds of a machine going near light-speed
But if these cars were in their own gravitational field, they could experience unlimited speed and another progression of time.  If they could generate the energy to bend and disrupt all of our wavelengths, they may truly experience a very different world than ours.

Gravity is essential—both its creation and disruption.  The Sun has gravity, but so does the Earth.  Therefore, our tempo is set by the Earth’s pace, not the Sun’s.  The Earth is a pocket of separate gravity than the Sun.  To be independent of the Earth’s tempo, we must create a field independent of the Earth.  So far, however, gravity has eluded us.
Gravity is more than simple attraction.  It is orientation.  With time, with space there must be gravity of some kind.  Even the solar system is tempered by the heliosphere— the gravitational field of our sun.  The “void of space” in our solar system is a lie.  There are billions of wavelengths whose tempo may be set by the sun’s gravity, bent by planets, upset by several interactions, just like the mini solar system of the atom.  It is interesting to note that when Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11 and Ulysses left the solar system, the last NASA could detect of them was “an incomprehensible acceleration.” They left the gravitational pull of the sun, and in the smooth ocean of wavelengths in intergalactic space they took off.  How fast does light travel out there?  How fast does time flow?  One day we will know.  But first we must understand all is energy.  This is the blueprint to conquest and exploration.  Nothing is impossible.

If gravity is not a curvature of space only, then it is a force within mass.  As such it too is tied up in the atom.  It becomes the conduit which directs the force of energy.  It reflects order, not chaos; it tempers the progression of all things.  It orients all things towards itself.

What is the potential in a natural magnetic vortex to affect gravity, time and space?  Have they really been discovered in the Bermuda Triangle?  Can they come from other sources?  Is all this great power and spinning really needed to affect time, or have other, very week electromagnetic tests and warpings been done to show phenomenal things can be done just by interlocking electromagnetic fields, like in the Hutchison Effect?

For a further study of recent discoveries, please consult Gian J. Quasar’s book, “The Bermuda Triangle,” released for distribution in November 2003.  Order it from by clicking on the hypterlink, below:

What is Time?  Is Time merely our concept for the span in which events unfold, or is Time a part of the Universe, an integral force that, like a pacemaker, acts to set the temper for all things?

We still ponder at the invisible force fields around us:  gravity and magnetism.  Time, like gravity, remains a stuporing mystery.  Is it tied in with these force fields?  What is Time?

Measurments of gravity show the ponderies of shape and mass upon it.  At the equator an object actually falls slower than at the poles.

Time seems influenced by the physical as well:  extremely accurate atomic clocks, placed simultaneously at sea level and at high altitudes, have shown that those at a higher altitude actually record time passing faster, where gravity and magnetism are weaker.  We are such a land bound species, we have little concept of potential beyond our own daily endeavor.

Some have thought that the tales of ghosts may stem from the earth having replayed an event, a passed life, a past moment, captured and recorded by it as we do with film today.  How can that be?  Are these just liars, cranks, or the superstitious?  Or is the kernel of truth behind these tales telling us about the power of nature around us?

In our experience thus far, these vagaries seem only minute, as minute as the temperature changes on a spring day or in the slightly shifting breeze in the dead of summer:  an atomic clock records the passing being faster higher up; an object falls slower at the equator.

But nature is subject to violent shifts:  a summer breeze to a Santanna, a spring day to a sudden thunderstorm in which the changes are from one extreme to the opposite in the spectrum.

Even sun spots affect our weather on earth, as do other solar forces.  If force fields can affect weather, and shape and mass effect gravity, can they affect Time . . . somehow, somewhere, no matter for how brief a moment?

Gravity can even affect the travel of light.  Einstein predicted, and it has been empiracally observed, that gravity slows and therefore bends light.  A star’s light, even opposite the Sun, can be bent by the massive helioshpere — the Sun’s gravitational field — so that its position actually changes from our perspective here on earth.

We know how fast light travels here on earth — 186,300 miles per second — struggling with our gravitational field, then that of the Sun’s which cradles us.  But how does it travel in intergalactic space . . . free of the Sun’s heliosphere?

In how many ways and by how many paths does light come to us from other galaxies, fighting and bending, slowing and speeding with the force fields it encounters?

A scientist named Ritz once did calculations based on the theory that light follows a Riemannian non euclidean geometry and that light from the farthest star would take only 17 years to get to earth.  Barry Setterfield of Australia did tests in which light seemed to be slowing down.

Is Time being effected as well?  Light is the expression of energy.  Can Time change as the Universe slows or changes?  Is Time being made suspectptible to anamolies as well as the other invisible forces of our universe it was not subject to before?

Magnetism is the longest studied geophysical data available.  In the last 150 years this has showed an alarming decrease in the magnetic field, as much as 6 per cent.  This field is responsible for shielding the earth from numerous dangerous solar forces.  Is something warping Time?

Some years ago, a man in York, England, was working in a basement of a building which ran over an old Roman road.  Suddenly, a troop of Romans marched through the wall, in full armour, completely oblivious to anything around them.  Where the road was not completely excacvated he saw them from only the knees up.  Where it was completely excavated he saw their full forms.  They passed through the other wall and then were gone.  Is this lunacy, or did the earth merely replay a scene captured in it 2000 years ago?

Some have thought that the tales of ghosts may stem from the earth having replayed an event, a passed life, a past moment, captured and recorded by it as we do with film today.  How can that be?  Are these just liars, cranks, or the superstitious?  Or is the kernel of truth behind these tales telling us about the power of nature around us?

But how can it be?  The earth has no camera, no film, no lens with which to record an event; no film upon which to store it, no camera to develop it, no projector to replay it.

The human body testifies to the power of harmony.  We are the same chemicals and materials as all the Universe around us, made of the same building blocks, our tissues of the same acids, vitamins, minerals, fats, molecules and powerful electrical signals.

The human brain is more complex than anything man can comprehend.  In our memories we can recall past events, in color, black & white and even technicolor.  We can recalls sounds, smells, still pictures and in motion, of faces long stilled, hear voices long quieted.  Our dreams are vivid spectacles, sometimes frightening but also pictures of places and past events and make-believe scenes.  How can the brain do it?  It has no lens, no film, no camera, no projector, but it replays pictures, moving and still, with little difficulty? . . . How can the earth do it?

Existence is so complex even the simplest form of life beggar our imagination.  “To grasp the reality of life as it has been revealed by molecular biology, we must magnify a cell a thousand million times until it is twenty kilometers in diameter and resembles a giant airship large enough to cover a great city like London or New York.  What we would then see would be an object of unparrelled complexity and adaptive design.  On the surface of the cell we would see millions of openings, like the port holes of a vast spaceship, opening and closing to allow a continual stream of materials to flow in and out.  If we were to enter one of these openings we would find ourselves in a world of supreme technology and belwidlering complexity . . . Is it really credible that random processes could have constructed a reality, the smallest elements of which — a functional protein or gene — is complex beyond our own creative capacities, a reality which is the very antithesis of chance, which excels in every sense anything produced by the intelligence of man?” — Dr. Michael Denton, Phd Microbiology.

Beyond the cell is the complexity of things not seen — gravity, magnetism . . .Time.  “Softly, softly, they creep about us” to paraphrase Lewis Carroll.  They leave a teasing trail of themselves, one quietly points to the other then flees before we can ponder.

Black holes exist in space, where gravity is so strong the light cannot escape, where not even time can be registered for the clock would stop, where everything vanishes.  Just of what is the Universe capable and all its elements?

Even now in the 21st century we are as babes.  It is not so bad that we do not know all things, but it is unforgivable that we do not even suspect that these things can possibly be.

Visible Light Spectrum

Hutchison Effect Icon

Long before John Hutchison began his pioneering experiments into electromagnetism and alternative energy, travelers in the Bermuda Triangle had reported odd occurrences involving electromagnetism:  their ships or planes would be seized by a strange vapor, then all equipment would go haywire; unexplained fogs would sit over the ocean, yet in all cases the weather was not right for creating fogs, and there was certainly no reason for electromagnetic aberrations such as they reported.

These were, in due course, put down in the category of “sea lore,” sensationalism, or attributed to occultists trying to push their supernatural views of nature.  It didn’t seem to matter that most of those reporting them were veteran pilots, shipmasters, and even Coast Guard officers.

These unusual phenomena quickly formed the backbone of the “mythos” of the Bermuda Triangle, the enigma of unexplained “forces,” hints of the laws of nature running wild, of possible time warps, interdimensional transition, wormholes, and invisibility.  To speak about them is to speak about the “supernatural,” the impossible, and the occult . . . until now.

Though they remain unexplained, there is no longer the lack of a cross reference for them — and this has to do with electromagnetism.  And that’s where Vancouver scientist John Hutchison comes into play.  His experiments into electromagnetism has unintentionally produced every phenomena reported in the Triangle.  The term “Hutchison Effect” has become a moniker applied to all the peculiar and startling effects his plethora of machinery can produce.

John might be likened to many of the fictional characters of movies who stumbled onto fantastic inventions — Flubber, The Shaggy Dog, and the many other Disney movies of Kurt Russell being transformed by his madcap experiments at Medfield College.  The great exception is that John is not fictional, nor are his experiments.  They have penetrated the very building blocks of matter and looked squarely into the labyrinth of time and space . . . and they are all created by electromagnetism and its effects on various wavelengths!

John Hutchison Working on Alternative Energy Sources
John Hutchison working on alternative energy sources in his lab.

It all began back in 1979.  While studying the longitudinal wavelengths of Tesla (Nikola Tesla, a radio pioneer), Hutchison, limited by space in his small apartment, crammed into one room various devices that emit electromagnetic fields and wavelengths, like Tesla coils, RF generators, van De Graaf generators, etc.  He turned them on and went about his work.  In some unexpected way, the wavelengths these machines created interplayed to create astonishing effects.  John first noticed this when an object touched his shoulder . . . one he wasn’t expecting because it was levitating!

Repeated tests have produced a number of astounding effects.  These include the continued levitation of objects:  wood, styrofoam, plastic, copper, zinc — they hovered and moved about, swirl around and ascend, or shoot off at fantastic speeds.  With further experimentation:  fires started around the building out of non-flammable materials, like cement and rock; a mirror smashed (80 feet away!), metal warped and bent and even broke, (separating by sliding in a sideways fashion), in some instances crumbling like “cookies;” some metal became white hot but did not burn surrounding flammable material; lights appeared in the air, along with numerous other corona manifestations; and water spontaneously swirled in containers . . . to name only a few.
Large Aluminum Bar 01 Large Aluminum Bar 02
Metal Cylinder Crumpled Apart An aluminum bar, TOP LEFT and ABOVE, shredded and split by the Hutchison Effect.  The metal turned wobbly like jelly before coming apart.  This is called “cold melting” because no heat is involved.  LEFT:  Metal Cylinder crumbled apart.  Photos Courtesy of John Hutchison.

More than one observer of Hutchison’s experiments and demonstrations (he has given over 750), have not only been amazed at the results but uniformly express astonishment at the weak electrical power which seems to be sufficient to empower very stupefying results.  Since basic outlets in the house supply sufficient power to operate his many machines, the power which unleashes all these incredible effects is believed to lie elsewhere, such as where these various fields interplay, since on their own the wavelengths or fields these machines create have never been noted to do this.  It is at this point — call is a warp or votex, whatever you like — where things begin to happen.  But how they interact is still largely a mystery.  Even where they interact can be perplexing.  Sometimes one must wait for days for something to happen, and 99 per cent of the time nothing happens at all.  To draw an analogy, it is like trying to boil water without being able to determine the strength of the heat — in such a scenario it is not surprising it may take different amounts of time to produce the boiling effect.

Over the last 22 years, Hutchison’s work has been subject to broad though varying interest and approval.  His laboratory was ransacked by Canadian officials who seized his equipment under the pretense of confiscating his antique gun collection which was, however, subsequently returned with no explanations or charges.  Three nations have aired his work; he was courted by scientists in Japan, accused of treason in Canada when he went to Germany for funds to continue; Los Alamos Lab has done research on his Effect; the Canadian government seized his lab equipment once again while crated and in transit to Germany in 1990 (and never returned it despite a court order), when he was seeking financial aid to continue his studies.  The military of Canada and the US has expressed a covert interest.  He has been arrested by the Canadian government and placed in cuffs on his doorstep while his lab was ransacked and investigated (under the excuse of checking on his antique gun collection again); this last incident was on March 17, 2000, and may have been initiated by a neighbor who experienced an unexpected levitation in their house and then complained to the police.

John Hutchison Lab 01 John Hutchison Lab 02
John Hutchison Lab 03 “Tinkering” in his lab.  John Hutchison has developed extensive forms of free energy, including fuel cells and the Hutchison Converter, which apparently can run forever.  It was first displayed in Japan in 1996 and is still running.  A scientist sees fact, but a philosopher sees potential.  John is both.

Because of all this, which has been ongoing for over 22 years, his lab has undergone numerous changes, from completely disappearing into government hands, to vital pieces having been sold off to pay for subsequent financial problems.

Nevertheless, Hutchison has continued with his work.  He has “tinkered” and adjusted his equipment and continues to get varying and remarkable results, many of which have been documented and photographed by McDonnell Douglas Aerospace and the Max Planck Institute in Germany.

The Hutchison Effect’s connection with the Triangle comes in many forms.  Many of the effects he has created mimic those reported out there:  strangely swirling clouds and lights, green glows and phosphorescence, and electromagnetic anomalies.  But one discovery in John’s experiments clearly underlines the connection of the Bermuda Triangle with electromagnetism.  During one experiment, John produced something undeniably “Triangle-esque.”
Tesla Disruptive John Hutchison Lab 04
I have personally experienced the grayish-type mist when I was doing my high voltage research; and this mist would appear and disappear.  To look at it, it looks like metallic.  I couldn’t see through it.  So it exists . . .it exists.

In other tests, objects have appeared that “had a cling of gray fog” moving about the room, all of which were clearly filmed on 8 mm film.  One is reminded of Bruce Gernon’s feeling that the “electronic fog” traveled with his plane, or Don Henry’s encounter where the fog formed around the metal barge and caused it to vanish while at the same time effecting all of his electronic equipment.

While our first instinct is to believe that these forces can only be engineered in a laboratory, a disturbing thought comes from an observation made by electromagnetic researcher, Albert Budden.  “The original way that Hutchison set out his range of apparatus was, by industrial standards, primitive and crowded, with poor connections and hand-wound coils.  But it was with this layout with its erratic standards that he obtained most of the best examples of objects levitating, despite the fact that the maximum power drawn was 1.5 kilowatts, and this from the ordinary power sockets of the house mains.”

These crude ways seemed better adept at tapping into the vast power all around us.  The watts produced in a lab, however, would be infinitesimal compared to the potential in the atmosphere.  The estimated power in the atmosphere is best demonstrated during a thunderstorm in which lightning streaks across the sky with infinitely more watts of electricity — enough to scramble radios and other equipment dozens of miles away, enough to destroy trees and houses and melt sand into glass.

But can electromagnetism cause a plane or ship to disappear?  John has kept abreast of the unexplained in the world and is well aware of the effects reported in the Bermuda Triangle.  In commenting on the applied ramifications, he has observed:

It is highly probable that nature can form these fields on her own and create the right situation for the ship or aircraft to either totally disintegrate or disappear into another dimension or domain.

What should we make of such radio reports like Jenson’s, in which he says he is lost in clouds at 150 feet elevation?  Remember, he vanished thereafter, but 11 hours later, long after fuel starvation, he reemerges in time briefly, to make one last call 600 miles from where he was lost, only to vanish again without trace.  What about the other maydays picked up hours after fuel starvation?  What about the radio and compass quirks so often reported?  Is nature telling us something?  Or is it guiding us to the potential in natural energy?  Is the Hutchison Effect merely a small example of the greater machines in nature?

However esoteric some of this may sound, we may well inject here Time’s association with gravity and magnetism.  Atomic clocks record time passing slightly faster in orbit than at sea level, the difference being that gravity is weaker higher up.  An electrical current will produce a magnetic field at right angles to it, but since there are three planes of space, where is the gravitational plane?  No one, including Einstein, could ever find it.  What forces are really out there?

Electromagnetism may also be a gateway to something far more startling.  Mark Solis writes:  “It is surmised by some researchers that what Hutchison has done is tap into the Zero Point Energy.  This energy gets its name from the fact that it is evidenced by oscillations at zero degrees Kelvin, where supposedly all activity in an atom ceases.  The energy is associated with the spontaneous emission and annihilation of electrons and positrons coming from what is called the ‘quantum vacuum.’  The density contained in the quantum vacuum is estimated by some at 1013 joules per cubic centimeter, which is reportedly sufficient to boil off the Earth’s oceans in a matter of moments.” . . . A disappearance, a disintegration seems mild by comparison.

A long time ago, biologist Ivan Sanderson noted that the greatest number of disappearances in the world occurred in specific locales, “vortices,” he called them, which “lie on the right or east sides of the continents, and all precisely in curious areas where hot surface currents stream out of the tropical latitudes toward the colder waters of the temperate. . .”  He explains this is of “enormous significance” because “these are the areas of extreme temperature variabilities which alone would predicate a very high incidence of violent marine and aerial disturbances.  What more likely areas,” he continues, “for storms and wrecks and founderings, and even magnetic anomalies?” He went on to ask, “Whether these vast [natural] ‘machines’ generate still another kind of anomaly that might cause something to ‘go wrong’ . . . in our space-time continuum.  In other words, could they create . . . ‘vortices’ into and out of which material objects can drop into or out of other space-time continua?”
Earth's Vile Vortices
An example of Sanderson’s 12 vortices set at regular intervals around the earth, brought to his attention by the higher incidence of unexplained disappearances therein.  The North and South Pole account for the 11th and 12th vortices.
Hutchison’s studies may not prove this, of course, but continuing results prove the unlimited potential of electromagnetism on matter.

One of the most remarkable effects is the fusion of dissimilar materials.  In describing this, Mark Solis makes note that “dissimilar substances can simply ‘come together’ yet the individual substances do not disassociate.  A block of wood can ‘simply sink’ into a metal bar, yet neither the block of wood nor metal bar come apart.”  Moreover, he adds “there is no evidence of displacement, such as would occur if, for example, one were to sink a stone in a bowl of water.”
Fusion of Dissimilar Metals John Hutchison Lab 05
Fusion of Dissimilar Materials John Hutchison's Laboratory Equipment

But perhaps one of the most remarkable aspects of his Effect is “spontaneous invisibility of materials in the ‘active zone’ of a Pharos-type Hutchison apparatus . . .” (A phenomenon which Richard Hull uncovered in historical investigations took place in the Farnsworth Fusion Machine in the 1930s, where solid metal portions of the apparatus became transport during a number of tests (Philo T. Farnsworth was the inventor of the electronic TV).).

Hutchison has added that invisibly surrounds metallic objects.  Properly adjusting his equipment, he adds, the “cronons” and “gravitons” generated by his technology could cause entire buildings to disappear.  The propulsive part of the Effect could get us into space faster and cheaper than any conventional fuel.

Since the effects and the materials vary exceedingly, it seems logical to assume there is some form of disruption of the basic atomic structure, considering that fusion of non identical materials, fires, levitating objects, invisibility, etc., have nothing else in common but these building blocks of matter.  Electromagnetism is a doorway into a world of which we are all made.  As such, its potential seems unlimited.

Since the Earth is itself an object generating electromagnetic fields, are there areas where some of these fields will intermittently interplay and cause aberrations?  To be more explicit, is the Bermuda Triangle properly situated on the Earth, in the areas of correct temperatures and weather volatility, in areas of electromagnetic stresses, to create effects as Hutchison has done in his lab?

We can no longer say “impossible” to anything once the doors to the very building blocks of the universe are unlocked.  The dreams and even wistful fancies of past philosophers and scientists are daily becoming reality in our modern world.  It is time we as a species woke up to them.  For too long we called them “supernatural” when they were not “above nature,” they were merely above our understanding of it.  It is also time that science looks beyond a mere fact.  We must start looking at potential whether it has immediate profitability or not.  The greatest contribution in the Hutchison Effect is that it shows us the great potential in nature all around us.
Visible Light Spectrum

Figure 9. The Hutchison Effect: a key to the Bermuda Triangle in Vancouver?

(10) Satinverse Nichole Ortberg Science Section Top

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
hutchison cell

If you're interested in learning more about Hutchison's crystal ZPE batteries, send him an email at: For a high-res WinMedia video clip of the classic 1980's experiments, click here

Antigravity & Levitation Effects
The Hutchison effect has been known to cause the spontaneous levitation of a variety of common household & workshop materials. The photos above are a stop-motion display of a glass of liquid spontaneously flying out of the top of the glass. John has also levitated a 70-pound antique cannon-ball without any electrical connections during testing.

Melts Metals at Room Temperature!
The Hutchison-Effect jellifies metals, temporarily giving them the consistency of a putty, jelly, or sometimes even water. Detailed chemical, spectrographic, and STM analysis by Dr. George Hathaway and others shows a complete breakdown in the molecular structure of these materials that remains even after they solidify. We speculate that it may occur when high-amplitude & voltage RF waves disrupt valence electrons in solids. Closeups are from our DVD-Rom, to buy it: Click Here

August 2005 DVD-Filming
American Antigravity is a 501c[3] non-profit educational foundation, and in August 2005 we traveled to visit Hutchison at his residence/lab, and spent several hours shooting interview footage and closeups of his metal samples for an educational DVD-Rom. The photos above are of John and the research team, which includes American Antigravity's Tim Ventura, Seattle telecom executive Colby Harper, paranormal researcher Harold Berndt (and son Bryan), and Microsoft project-manager Mike Shafer. To purchase the DVD: Click Here

October 2005 DVD-Filming
Boeing engineer & HFGW expert Gary Stephenson, Harold Berndt, and Tim Ventura returned in October to obtain more interview footage and give Gary & John the opportunity to discuss potential scientific explanations for the effect. Stephenson also reviewed scientific findings by Hathaway and others, as well as spectro-analysis & STM results, and numerous letters that support Hutchison's discussion of military interest from numerous government agencies.

Hutchison's 'Lost-Footage'
The "classic" Hutchison-Effect shown in over a hundred television shows worldwide is a compilation of primarily super-8mm film-footage shot by both John Hutchison and Dr. George Hathaway during the early 1980's. It was filmed freehand, with a substantial amount of jitter and camera-play, often because John was adjusting controls with the other hand, or panning rapidly to catch an unexpected manifestation of an event. While the Hutchison Effect has been documented by television crews on many other occasions, for copyright reasons that vast majority of "classic" footage shown on-air comes from this original set of Super-8mm film reels.

In 1991, Dr. George Hathaway - an early experimental partner of Hutchison's - transferred the Super8mm footage to video-format, and created a VHS cassette tape for posterity. This tape contains narration by Hathaway, who describes not only the effect, but also the context that it occurs in. This VHS tape has been referred to as the "Lost Footage", and contains approximately 20-minutes of original footage, along with interludes in which George Hathaway provides additional information on the effect. The "Lost Footage" is available online in Windows Media and Google Video formats, and also available on American Antigravity's Hutchison DVD-Rom in a higher bandwidth format.

Debunking Armchair Skeptics
As mentioned in Wikipedia, many armchair skeptics have presented explanations for how the footage of the Hutchison-Effect might be faked. Often cited as an example is a piece of video shot by Peter Von Puttkamer in 2003 showing what appears to be a toy UFO suspended on a string as evidence. The video, which aired in a Canadian television broadcast, includes a narrative that describes a single-wire transmission system that John was experimenting with on a particular day. It is not considered to be part of the "classic" Hutchison-Effect, and has no bearing on the veracity of experimental footage shot during the 1980's. The experiment and its intent has been often misinterpreted due to early streaming-video of the footage, which excluded the explanatory narrative.

Another common skeptical accusation is that Hutchison is "tilting the room" (presumably an enclosure that can be rotated on it's axis without changing the camera orientation). This is provided as evidence that simple camera trickery is used to provide the antigravity & levitation effects shown in a variety of Hutchison Effect videoclips. Close examination of the original "lost footage" clearly shows, however, that Hutchison's footage is shot in a variety of areas in concrete-floored rooms, and full-length footage often shows floor-to-ceiling camera-pans that would be impossible for a mounted camera to achieve.

To clarify for the record, the burden of proof appears to demonstrate that the Hutchison Effect is a real and demonstrable natural effect, and that Hutchison is not faking the effect for publicity, money, or other motives.

Interviews with Dr. George Hathaway, Col. John Alexander, and television crews from Japan, Europe, and several networks in North America all verify that documented effects have been witnessed by many people at once, caught on multiple cameras (both amateur and professional), and do not involve simple trickery.

Other skeptics have suggested that while the Effect is real, it is not a natural phemenon, but instead a "psychic" or "PK" (psychokinesis) effect. This seemingly outlandish notion is the result of a report filed by a Stanford Research Institute team in the 1980's, who were funded by INSCOM Colonel John Alexander and focused primarily on researching suspected psychic-phenomenon.

While this team verified that the Hutchison Effect did occur, they were unable to provide a scientific explanation for it, and thus described it as being psycho-kinetic in nature. Hutchison has speculated that the effect might also have been described as PK in order to keep it from being classified by the Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) as important to national security.

Recent Events
During DVD filming by American Antigravity, we were unable to capture the H-Effect on film due to Hutchison lacking the RF-tube equipment that he used throughout the 1980's to generate the classic effect. This inability (from 1992 to 2006) to recreate the classic Hutchison Effect is in fact the reason that Hutchison was experimenting with other projects, such as the single-wire transmission system filmed by Peter Von Puttkamer. During part of this period of time, John was also under a voluntary test restriction by the local Vancouver mayor, who previously received calls from panicked neighbors during John's experiments.

In March 2006, this situation changed when a former colleague of Hutchison's - Alex Cherechesku - moved to a new house in Vancouver, and during the move returned an original RF tube amplifier to John that had been presumed lost over a decade earlier. Hutchison immediately began new experimentation, and during filming with well-known Canadian paranormal investigator Harold Berndt, was able to demonstrate several hundred pounds of equipment slam itself into an apartment wall with no apparent causal force. American Antigravity plans a return trip to attempt to capture the effect hopefully before the end of the year in 2007.

Recent Speculation
PhD Electrical Engineer James Corum co-authored a paper in 1981 with graduate-student Terry Keech where they analyzed how the metric tensor & gravity would be modified for a time-varying electric charge. The calculations that they derived & published suggest that a time-varying electric-charge can produce a 'gravitational repulsion' or negative gravitational-mass. Click Here

International Journal of Theoretical Physics (IJTP); Volume 20, 1981, pp. 63-68; Terry Keech and James Corum "New Derivation for the field of a time-varying charge in Einstein's Field-Theory".

Dr. George Hathaway and American Antigravity's Tim Ventura believe that the jellification effects demonstrated by Hutchison may come from a disruption of valence-electron binding by resonant RF interference.

Ventura has designed an experiment to potentially verify this theory by recording the Hutchison Effect on an active sample using a logging multimeter, and then re-apply the same complex RF signal to the same signal at a later time using a linear-amplifier to match the original amplitude. Thus, while the original effect requires a complex arrangement of RF and high-voltage equipment to produce, it may be reproduced with a very simplistic and well-understood apparatus, verifying that a specific resonant signal is what causes the effect, and not psychokinetic or other causal factors.

Another notable factor has come to light since 2005 that also may play an important role in explaining the effect. Hutchison notes that the jellification effect begins in the middle of his sample (lengthwise), at least in the of long aluminum, brass, and steel bars. This may indicate that the length of the sample plays a role in coupling the RF signal that creates the effect to a specific sample.

Contact Information
To get in touch with John Hutchison, please send him an email at:
Figure 10. Satinverse Nichole Ortberg Science Section
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
hutchison cell

(11) The Hutchison Effect -- An Explanation Top

Figure xx. The Hutchison Effect -- An Explanation
by Mark A. Solis

(12) Casimir Force Top

Physicists have 'solved' mystery of levitation

By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
Last Updated: 1:41am BST 08/08/2007

Levitation has been elevated from being pure science fiction to science fact, according to a study reported today by physicists.

In theory the discovery could be used to levitate a person
(after 9/11/01) Source:
In earlier work the same team of theoretical physicists showed that invisibility cloaks are feasible.

Now, in another report that sounds like it comes out of the pages of a Harry Potter book, the University of St Andrews team has created an 'incredible levitation effects' by engineering the force of nature which normally causes objects to stick together.

Professor Ulf Leonhardt and Dr Thomas Philbin, from the University of St Andrews in Scotland, have worked out a way of reversing this pheneomenon, known as the Casimir force, so that it repels instead of attracts.

Their discovery could ultimately lead to frictionless micro-machines with moving parts that levitate But they say that, in principle at least, the same effect could be used to levitate bigger objects too, even a person.

The Casimir force is a consequence of quantum mechanics, the theory that describes the world of atoms and subatomic particles that is not only the most successful theory of physics but also the most baffling.

The force is due to neither electrical charge or gravity, for example, but the fluctuations in all-pervasive energy fields in the intervening empty space between the objects and is one reason atoms stick together, also explaining a "dry glue" effect that enables a gecko to walk across a ceiling.

Now, using a special lens of a kind that has already been built, Prof Ulf Leonhardt and Dr Thomas Philbin report in the New Journal of Physics they can engineer the Casimir force to repel, rather than attact.

Because the Casimir force causes problems for nanotechnologists, who are trying to build electrical circuits and tiny mechanical devices on silicon chips, among other things, the team believes the feat could initially be used to stop tiny objects from sticking to each other.

Prof Leonhardt explained,

"The Casimir force is the ultimate cause of friction in the n

ano-world, in particular in some microelectromechanical systems.

Such systems already play an important role - for example tiny mechanical devices which triggers a car airbag to inflate or those which power tiny 'lab on chip' devices used for drugs testing or chemical analysis.

Micro or nano machines could run smoother and with less or no friction at all if one can manipulate the force."

Though it is possible to levitate objects as big as humans, scientists are a long way off developing the technology for such feats, said Dr Philbin.

The practicalities of designing the lens to do this are daunting but not impossible and levitation "could happen over quite a distance".

Prof Leonhardt leads one of four teams - three of them in Britain - to have put forward a theory in a peer-reviewed journal to achieve invisibility by making light waves flow around an object - just as a river flows undisturbed around a smooth rock.

Figure xx. Physicists have 'solved' mystery of levitation
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor, 08/08/2007
(8/08/07) Source:

(13) You're on Your Own When You Violate the Laws of Physics (and Don’t Take Notes) Top

(14) Other Web Sites Top

(15) Forum Discussions Top

(15) From Cold Fusion to Condensed Matter Nuclear Science Top

From Cold F

ISIS Prewhereby the nuclei of lighon atoms and nuclei.)

Atoms and nuclei

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(16) Port Authority to pay Silverstein after delays Top

First Responder Statements

Lift Top

First Responder Statement: RENE DAVILA

Audio Files
· Index
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· Page 8
12 December 2007
Interview: John Hutchison is the guest of Charles Giuliani
on "The Truth Hertz" on republicbroadcasting: Listen
edited: (mp3)
12-2 PM/EST, Live:

6 December 2007
Interview: Judy Wood is the guest of Jim Fetzer
on "The Dynamic Duo" Listen
edited: (mp3)
4-6 PM/EDT on GCN: (ch. 4)

The Hutchison Effect -- An Explanation
Casimir Force
You're on Your Own When You Violate the Laws of Physics (and Don’t Take Notes)

First Responder Statements

The Hutchison Effect -- An Explanation

Physicists have 'solved' mystery of levitation

Transmutation, The Alchemist Dream Come True

From Cold Fusion to Condensed Matter Nuclear Science

Figure other. I
(after 9/11/01) Source:

More Information Top

More information
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Hutchison Effect





Hutchison Effect Archive by Leonard Norrgard. 
Dr. John Hutchison - The Hutchison Effect.
John Hutchison's Web Page.
The Dirt Cheap Rocks of John Hutchison.
How to Explain Space Energy?
The Hutchison Effect - An Explanation by Mark A. Solis.
Artificially Created Paranormal Phenomena of John Hutchison.
Charge Clusters In Action by Ken Shoulders. PDF file:
John Hutchison, The Wild Scientist From Vancouver:
You're on Your Own When You Violate the Laws of Physics (and Don't Take Notes) by John Hutchison.
The Hutchison File, or archived (searchable)

Acknowledgements Top

Many thanks to those who have helped us put this together
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Andrew Johnson
A Touch of The Hidden Hand?
The New "9-11 Hijackers"?
Russ Gerst

9/11 Directed Energy Weapon / TV-Fakery Suppression Timeline

Morgan Reynolds

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