9/11 Conspiracies:Fact or Fiction, History Channel 5pm Today |
DrBabs Posted: Apr 23 2008, 02:42 PM Group: Members TheMan, It is likely that no planes were hijacked at all on 9/11. No plane was seen on the Pentagon videos, and no plane was found at Shanksville, PA. Every video showing a plane impact at the WTC has been shown to be a fake. Even if planes were hijacked and flown into targets that day, they wouldn't have done the damage that was depicted. When planes crash, they break apart and leave debris and dead bodies spread around. The noses of planes do not pierce through multiple floors of reinforced concrete to leave circular shaped "punch out" holes. The wings of planes do not pierce through the ground leaving wing-shaped gashes and then disintegrate after impact. The wings of planes do not pierce through steel framed exteriors of buildings leaving wing-shaped holes. Airplanes are very weak. They have almost no crash tolerance at all and are made primarily of aluminum. Think CSI. You happen upon a crime scene and try to determine what happened. Those buildings are gone. How did it happen? Furthermore, what kind of weapon would leave Ground Zero stinking, fuming and burning for months? No one has the answer to this question that literally burns inside of me, considering I had to live night and day smelling those fumes being emitted and therefore likely have parts of the WTC residing in my lungs. Yeah, it gets personal with me. I might die because of this. Lots of other people already have. I need to know what happened on 9/11, not just what didn't happen. And don't tell me jet fuel and don't tell me thermate. Jet fuel and thermate do not produce the effects seen. Not one researcher I've encountered has convinced me that they know what actually happened. Most of the effort has been spent fondling the Official Conspiracy Theory to look at all its glorious flaws. Let's just move on as quickly as we can to what the hell actually happened on 9/11? It wasn't planes or thermate, so what the hell was it that destroyed the WTC? |
Halliburton Crusher Posted: Apr 23 2008, 05:18 PM Group: Portland 9/11 Truth DrBabs- sorry for my lack of know how as to being able to create a link for you, but you can go to you tube and search the following- special delivery:judy wood-"space beams from orbit" also wikipedia- "Particle Beam", at the bottom of the particle beam page you will find the "see also" section. this all will show you one of the facets of 9/11 worth inquiry.drinking and perhaps inhaling vaporized aloe gel/liquid will help in regard to your respiratory ailing. if you have a missile launcher and take out some chemtrail airplanes, that would help and be encouraging as well. |
II. Hurricane Erin, WTF. ?! Off the NYC Coast Sept. 11 '01
Hurricane Erin, WTF. ?! Off the NYC Coast Sept. 11 '01 |
pegcarter ![]() Group: Members Interesting new finding by Judy Wood [http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/erin] Press release by Andrew Johnson [http://tinyurl.com/555thr] regarding this paper has been published as well: New Study by former Professor Examines Hurricane Erin on 9/11/01 "Dr. Judy Wood, a former Professor of Mechanical Engineering, has posted a new study which highlights the possible links between events on 9/11 and the occurrence in the Atlantic ocean of Hurricane Erin." No wonder the morning aspect was so rare and clear and calm. Spoken to young witness today who remembers how absolutely calm and windless the day was. Clear and sharp as I have ever witnessed. Was out that morn on my scooter and remembered noticing how strange the weather was. Have made my way only partly through the article and links but this jumped out to me before I could finish: "The force is due to neither electrical charge or gravity, for example, but the fluctuations in all-pervasive energy fields in the intervening empty space between the objects and is one reason atoms stick together, also explaining a "dry glue" effect that enables a gecko to walk across a ceiling." and I thought to paste it here to draw the attention of the Webfairy, since she is the person who is always mentioning the power of the "empty space." The quote on the neo-force comes from here, (scroll down a bit, please). [http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/erin/erin3.html] and here (source)"Physicists have 'solved' mystery of levitation" by Roger Highfield published by the newspaper "Telegraph" UK This post has been edited by pegcarter on May 23 2008, 03:51 AM |
DrBabs Posted: May 23 2008, 04:30 PM Group: Members http://people.hofstra.edu/charles_merguerian/NYC%20Quake/NYCQuake.htm http://www.seismo-watch.com/EQS/AB/2001/011027.NY2.6/011027.NY2.6.html Going through Dr. Wood's site, I recalled the earthquake in October 2001. I felt this earthquake. It woke me up. It felt like a whole body hiccup. My first thought was, "Oh, my god! After 9/11, now I'm going to die in an earthquake." I am very interested in the after-effects of the attacks of 9/11, and wonder if this/these earthquakes had something to do with it. |
Piper Posted: May 23 2008, 07:06 PM Member This is a really good find. It shows that the networks did not want to report on anything but the 9/11 events that morning (which, to my memory, they did not). The hurricane not being mentioned could also be a clue that some of the studio anchor footage and possibly the telephone witness testimony could have been produced prior to 9/11. |
Killtown Posted: May 23 2008, 11:10 PM Group: Administrator Amazing a huge hurricane was over the Atlantic and I don't remember the news mentioning it all on and after 9/11:
Anyways, that made me think of something else about the Atlantic:
DoYouEverWonder Posted: May 23 2008, 11:52 PM Group: Members QUOTE (Killtown @ May 23 2008, 06:10 PM)
SeekingTruth Posted: May 24 2008, 05:28 AM Group: Members The following website has a tracking on Hurricane Erin. Exactly how does a storm, during what is normal hurricane season, starting on 9/1/2001 off the coast of West Africa have any direct bearing on what occurred on 9/11/2001? http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/2001erin.html QUOTEConsidering that hurricane did not have any reported damage or casualties, plus, was nowhere near the US wreaking havoc on 9/11/2001, why would anyone be concentrating on any hurricane during what is normally considered hurricane season? Why would anyone send out a squadron of planes in the middle of some hurricane heading north across the Atlantic? There is an earthquake fault running under Manhattan: http://people.hofstra.edu/charles_merguerian/NYC%20Quake/NYCQuake.htm QUOTEhttp://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3601/is_n25_v40/ai_14802558/pg_2 QUOTE Even an earthquake did not affect the twin towers. And two alleged 767s are going to do what a 6-story fire, 4-story bomb, and a mild earthquake could not do? |
Halliburton Crusher ![]() Group: Portland 9/11 Truth thank you peg carter for introducing me to judy wood's reference of hurricane erin ! judy wood will be in portland, oregon sunday june 1st, 3:00 at berbatis ! ![]() |
newangle Posted: Aug 1 2008, 06:41 AM I expect Andrew will post a new thread about his two radio shows with Judy Wood on GNC Live, 30 and 31 June, in which her research on Hurricane Erin and its possible connection to the events of 9/11 was discussed in detail, but here is a link to the audio. Dr Judy Wood - 911 and Hurricane Erin - Dynamic Duo - Andrew Johnson 30 Jul 2008.mp3 (12.4 MB) (Modified: Jul 31 2008 12:09:52 PM) Dr Judy Wood - 911 and Hurricane Erin - Dynamic Duo - Andrew Johnson 31 Jul 2008.mp3 (12.9 MB) (Modified: Aug 01 2008 12:58:15 AM) Dr Wood's research can be found here Once again, Judy Wood has leapt ahead of the debate on what caused the destruction of the WTC. |
III. 29 May 2008 Event:
'Zero Point Energy, Exotic Weaponry, and 9/11-dr judy wood
29 May 2008 Event: 'Zero Point Energy,, Exotic Weaponry, and 9/11-dr judy wood |
masonfree-party Posted: May 24 2008, 03:26 PM Group: Members 29 May 2008 Event: 'Zero Point Energy, Exotic Weaponry, and the Mystery of 9/11' EVENT LOCATION: Ethnic Cultural Center in the U-DISTRICT 3931 Brooklyn Ave., NE, Seattle, WA DOORS OPEN 6:30 PM start at 7 PM 7:00 - 10:00 PM $10 General Audience Sponsored by 911TruthSeattle www.seattle911visibilityproject.org and the Metaphysical Library of Seattle www.seattlemetaphysicallibrary.org This post has been edited by masonfree-party on May 24 2008, 03:29 PM |
Chander Posted: May 25 2008, 05:56 AM Group: Members This is gonna be history-making. Judy Wood and John Hutchison, together, probably for the first time, in a public presentation. They will also be in Portland Oregon at: Berbati's Pan 231 SW Ankeny Portland. doors open at 2 pm. Event from 3-6 pm The Seattle and Portland 9-11 Truth Groups continue to be leaders in the movement to make the national truth movement live up to its name. ![]() |
zoomer Posted: May 25 2008, 11:25 AM Group: Members I am just hoping its videod good, and audio is alright ![]() |
Chander Posted: May 28 2008, 04:26 PM Group: Members I wanna bump this back up. If there are any readers in this area, don't miss it. ![]() |
IV. Judy Woods in Portland today, with John Hutchison
[Hidden by moderator] (thanks to a member for sending) Judy Wood |
Killtown ![]() Group: Administrator Event: 'Zero Point Energy, Exotic Weaponry, and the Mystery of 9/11' Dr Judy Wood and John Hutchison at Berbati's Pan, Sunday, 3PM. (PST) Event: 'Zero Point Energy, Exotic Weaponry, and the Mystery of 9/11' Speakers: DR. Judy Wood and John Hutchison When: Sunday June 1st. Doors will open at 2 PM, Begins at 3 PM Location: Berbati's Pan SW 2nd Ave and Ankeny, close to West Burnside. Cost: $10 Dr. Wood lends her expertise in Exotic Weaponry. http://www.drjudywood.com/ John Hutchison on free energy http://www.americanantigravity.com/hutchison.html http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2008/05/376239.shtml |
docjava_3 Posted: Jun 1 2008, 06:46 PM Group: Members On tour huh... You know, the Minnesota iceman went from town to town and it was fake too. These grifters should Push UFO theories and moon landing proofs instead of 9/11 Sci-fi in order to earn money... It's sick and sad! |
Halliburton Crusher Posted: Jun 2 2008, 11:20 PM Group: Portland 9/11 Truth doc |
Halliburton Crusher Posted: Jun 2 2008, 11:29 PM Group: Portland 9/11 Truth doc - lighten up on the java. i had lunch with judy wood and john hutchison before their lecture yesterday. judy is more impressive live than on you tube. i have been a 911 truther since sept. 01 and her presentation opened my mind to things which i had gut feelings but had not heard anyone put into words before. judy is ahead of the learning curve and was a gracious unpretentious speaker. the vast majority have much to learn from judy and john, and for us to not be open minded is a point won by the those who oppress us. we should have had 75,000 people listening to judy instead of any of the presidential wannabe/posers who have been in town lately. i`m halliburton crusher and i approve this message. |
V. Letter to Alex Jones from Attorney Jerry Leaphart,
Sent to US Attorney's office, SDNY
Letter to Alex Jones from Attorney Jerry Leaphart, Sent to US Attorney's office, SDNY |
Halliburton Crusher Posted: Jun 6 2008, 05:46 AM Group: Portland 9/11 Truth i saw judy wood and john hutchison recently, and they were impressive. judy is very pragmatic and humble. she simply addresses the evidence. people in our 911 group were rolling questions to her and she answered with intelligence and tact. talking with her one on one is a real treat. she can put words to gut feelings/intuition that i had about 911. september clues (social service) and judy wood have been alarm clocks to that which could have been overshadowed by our individual and collective subconsciouses. it is gratifying and so much fun to receive more information and have moments of "i had a feeling about that!!". to bring about conscious awareness of the magicians tricks allows us to maintain the leverage we need so as to not allow the magicians to so easily be able to perpetrate tricks on us in the future as they have in the past. |
VI. Denver International Airport
Denver International Airport |
Halliburton Crusher - June 7, 2008 08:31 PM (GMT) Group: Portland 9/11 Truth i saw judy wood and john hutchison last weekend. they were good speakers, especially judy. her videos are not as good as seeing her live, with her photos. our 9/11 group deluged her with questions, and she provided answers with ease. i will provide a link of the event when it is available. anyone who has an opportunity to hear them speak is in for a real treat. the no plane/ tv fakery and directed energy weaponry aspects of 9/11 are items which should be studied with open minds. |
CB_Brooklyn Posted: Jun 29 2008, 02:28 AM Group: Members here ya go... http://drjudywood.com/videos/videojj2008.html |
Halliburton Crusher ![]() Group: Portland 9/11 Truth http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=judy+wood+portland+oregon&hl=en&sitesearch=# ANYONE WHO EXPRESSES NEGATIVITY ABOUT JUDY WOOD IS A POOR STUDENT thank you for recording this judy wood lecture to - www.joe-anybody.com / Judy Wood photos and articles on www.drjudywood.com |
Rasta84 Posted: Jun 30 2008, 03:54 PM Group: Members Off the bat I'll just say that I've seen other demolitions that also looked very much like dustification. But I'll watch the video & comment again afterward. |
Halliburton Crusher Posted: Jun 30 2008, 10:52 AM Group: Portland 9/11 Truth thanks rasta. i saw her about a month ago and our 911 group threw a bunch of questions to her which she handled with maturity and intellect. i still think there was a mini-nuke, because i don`t know what else could have caused molten steel for weeks. it`s an ironic bummer that people in the movement can be cantankerous about considering things such as no plane and direct energy weaponry. people in our 911 group had lunch with judy wood and john hutchinson before their lecture in the afternoon, and i said to judy that it is important for us to at least allow any and all theories/ideas to be put on the table for consideration. she agreed and she is really cool to talk to. she gets really charged up with passion when one talks to her one on one. it was amazing to see the impression she had on our 911 group. she was the only 911 speaker who i have seen who answered questions for probably the same amount of time as her speech. the photos on her website are impressive - www.drjudywood.com |
Rasta84 Posted: Jun 30 2008, 08:45 PM Group: Members I'll post some videos if I can find them of buildings being demolished that seemed to have the same 'dustification' effect that the WTC had. In response to the molten steel, CB Brooklyn has argued that that was made up but I'm not sure that I buy that. If DEW was used it had to have been used in addition to explosives because there's such blatant evidence of them imo. Plus the Mossad agents who were caught disguised as moving company employees who were celebrating & videotaping the attack were reported as having explosive materials in their van, I doubt that's a coincidence. This post has been edited by Rasta84 on Jun 30 2008, 08:48 PM |
Quest Posted: Jul 2 2008, 12:05 AM Group: Administrator Personally, I have nothing against Judy Wood and I think all topics should be open for debate. I have serious doubts regarding DEWs although I don't think the idea is absurd given all the other forms of insanity that took place on 911. My bet is on mini-nukes. http://forum.911movement.org/index.php?showtopic=4409 |
Halliburton Crusher Posted: Jul 2 2008, 12:13 AM Group: Portland 9/11 Truth i think mini-nukes caused the molten steel, but in her presentation judy showed us photos of I-beams which had curled up, and looked like rolls of carpet. the really compelling thing was that the 90 degree corners of the I-beams were unscathed. this had to have been something other than nuclear energy. sorry, i can`t find photos of the metal carpet rolls on her website at the moment, but here is her website - www.drjudywood.com anyway, the following link to some photos are quite thought provoking. i am thinking D.E.W. for these photos rather than mini-nuke due to "vaporizing" in mid air, as opposed to dropping into the cauldron of a nuclear device. |
Piper Posted: Jul 2 2008, 08:00 PM Group: Members I don't believe in the molten metal because of the sources and the fact that you do not spray water on a molten metal fire. I also do not believe in nukes or mini-nukes, but I don't want to open a can of worms on that particular brand of media fakery that has worked so successfully for 60+ years now. ![]() Therefore my money is on Wood's DEW hypothesis combined with some detonations and missiles to bring the towers down. This post has been edited by Piper on Jul 2 2008, 08:02 PM |
Halliburton Crusher Posted: Jul 4 2008, 01:59 AM Group: Portland 9/11 Truth why not spray water on water on molten metal? we sprayed water on molten glass at one of my workplaces. i worked there for nine years. molten metal = 2750 degrees fahrenheit. molten glass = 2350 degrees fahrenheit. the only problem would be breathing the fumes of the steam emmenating from the reaction of the water onto the molten glass/metal. it was a regular practice on a couple times per week basis, if molten glass spilled on the floor. PIPER - probably my greatest regret in my 911 studies is that i can not recall where i FIRST heard of the hot temperatures at ground zero. it may have been in the mainstream media, or more likely rense.com. what sources give you doubts about the molten metal? |
Piper Posted: Jul 5 2008, 12:41 AM Group: Members There are many sources I do not trust at all when it comes to 9/11 info: the media, government, military, NYPD/NYFD, and self-appointed 9/11 truth movement leaders and truthers/videos that somehow obtain mainstream media exposure (Alex Jones, Steven Jones, Loose Change, William Rodriguez, etc.) I first heard of the molten metal from Chris Bollyn at American Free Press, but consider his sources: the president of Tully Construction of Flushing, NY (who said he saw pools of "literally molten steel" at Ground Zero) and Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition Inc. (CDI) of Phoenix, MD (who said he saw molten steel in the bottoms of elevator shafts "three, four, and five weeks" after the attack). I discount this testimony because Tully Construction were one of the companies contracted by the government to clean up Ground Zero, and I discount CDI because they were subcontracted by Tully for that job. Why use CDI, a demolitions company? This is the same demolitions company that also happens to have been hired to clean up the Murrah Building site in Oklahoma City. Other sources include NASA's thermal imaging of ground zero, but of course doctoring images is one of the main tasks at NASA and has been since the 1960s. Incidentally, modern cosmology is as bogus as the official 9/11 conspiracy theory. The next I heard of this evidence was from Steven Jones, who I discount for many reasons (one being that most of mainstream physics is also as bogus as the official 9/11 conspiracy theory), and then I saw the information on the website of Judy Wood, who I have never seen interviewed in the mainstream media, showing evidence of photo tampering in Jones' paper. [http://drjudywood.com/articles/why/why_indeed.html] There is a lot more info on this site from CB Brooklyn, who has written an excellent piece on the molten metal theory. [http://forum.911movement.org/index.php?showtopic=771] I personally believe the evidence for molten metal was fabricated as a distraction, along with the other initial misinformation such as the "pod", remote-controlled or military planes, Flight 93's shootdown, the freefall collapse times and Silverstein's "pull it" statement. |
mason-free party Posted: Jul 5 2008, 10:49 PM Group: Members what? molten metal still being pushed? you can't be serious guys...with all that unburnt paper and people saying that the dust clouds felt relatively cool... |
malaprop2 aka izzy Posted: Jul 6 2008, 03:10 AM Group: Members The towers were nearly entirely steel, with the only exception was enough concrete on top of steel floor pans to be level and receive carpeting, flooring. We see with our own eyes steel turning to particles (core). There was insufficent debris, only about 1-1/2 floors high, consistent with the matter of the towers turned to airborne particulate. All of the molten steel stories are impossible, for a number of reasons, but the deal killer is that water hitting molten steel causes dangerous explosions. What we witnessed in the air was not molten steel, but powdered steel. The fuming pile for months after were not of heat, but likely a form of radiation, & I suspect the workers on that fuming pile, despite gear, are dead by now. I think it poss. is gamma radiation that is minimzed by rain, water. malaprop aka izzy |
mason-free party Posted: Jul 6 2008, 11:07 AM Group: Members so why did halliburton crusher get it so wrong about the molten steel if he/she is a suppoter of dr judy wood's work?...or maybe it was planned that way... ![]() |
Halliburton Crusher Posted: Jul 6 2008, 05:40 AM Group: Portland 9/11 Truth the non-molten steel is new to me. i have not made time to read more about this observation yet. okay - i took a quick look at pipers cb brooklyn links. now it makes more sense to me. the freaking rabbit hole is crazy. i think as long as people are willing to accept changes in the path of the road while traveling on this path, we can all learn from those of us in the magicians audience making new observations so as to not be trick by the magicians devious treats in the future. thank you for the proactive information. it`s sort of strange that (according to a friend who makes more time for chemtrail truth than i do), 911 truthers are more open minded about chemtrails, than chemtrail truthers are open minded about 911. the chemtrail truthers that he knows do not want to talk about 911. i guess they are worried about being lumped into a fringe group of "everything is a conspiracy". i tell people that each item is separate to some extent. for example, i say to people that just because some one likes football or basketball, does not mean they like baseball or lacrosse. this seems to help calm down naysayers into being a little more open minded versus knee jerk emotional melt downers. it is all a matter of maturity. so many people default into wanting to think of the government as a parent figure to them. they want to (unnecessarily) be dependent. in order to get them to calm down i tell them that the people who did 911 are "above" the government. i tell them it is the billionaires and the bilderbergers. it seems to help. |
Halliburton Crusher Posted: Jul 6 2008, 06:04 PM Group: Portland 9/11 Truth MASON - the secret to my sinister "plan" is - drink beer, eat chocolate, and think of ways to take over this human infested mossy ball of earthiness. when i was going to my airport (yes,MINE) to hand out 911 and chemtrail d.v.d.s most fridays over the last six months, i have experienced lately, people who have not seen any 911 truth films, yet ask me brazenly and ostentatiously (thats right , ostentatiously!!) - "DO YOU BELIEVE THERE WERE PLANES ON 911??!!" the first time i was confronted with this question i realize that this person was emotionally freaking on me, so i said , "OF COURSE THERE WERE NO PLANES - THE AIRFORCE DID NOT RESPOND. THERE WAS 43 MINUTES BETWEEN THE TIME THAT THE SECOND TOWER WAS HIT AND WHEN THE PENTAGON WAS HIT!!" i always get the same response when these ad hominum weasels try to tackle me and i mentally kick their farty little asses, and i throw this verbal curve ball to them. THEY SHUT DOWN. the same thing occurs when some idiot suggests that they are hip to 911 truth ... but believe that we will be okay if a democrat gets into presidential office. i tell them that, "DEMOCRATS ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING NOW, BECAUSE THEY CAN NOT, BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO POWER. THEY ARE WHORES FOR THEIR PAYCHECKS, JUST LIKE REPUBLICANS." i then explain the "divide and conquer" stuff. democrat versus republican, jew versus muslim versus christian, blah blah blah. the bilderbergers, the worldwide mafiosa shit, religion and politics are crap. THEN people chill out and start thinking for themselves and it makes them afraid initially, but the puppy is afraid initially UNTIL it realizes it has the instinctual ability to swim, and THEN the puppy becomes a dog, in which case, independent thinking and living, is so much more of a pleasure than thinking one is educated, when in fact one realizes one has actually been indoctrinated.... and all of a sudden is indoctrinated NO MORE. P.S. - the airport gives us a table and two chairs. all we do is renew on a weekly basis a permit. it is a thrill. i wear my "911 was an inside job" and walk from the table to the bathroom or restaurants, and people stare at the words on the shirt, then as soon as i go to make eye contact they look away. they are shocked with the truthful brazen, ostentatious statement and then they retreat into themselves before facing the eyes of truth. we hand out around 160 d.v.d.s to 80 people. one 911 and one chemtrail d.v.d. per person. 80% already know the truth and have seen loose change # 1, or a clip of in plane site or mysteries on the internet, or they are sceptical and are grateful to receive a d.v.d. for the first time. the remaining 20% are embittered pilots or grumpy old farts who throw verbage and walk away quickly, while refusing to take a free d.v.d. interestingly, the homeland security are the coolest people because they are blue collar and able to be humble enough to appreciate what we are doing. as a matter of fact, they love us and stop by the table each week to say hello and talk. and the motto of the story is - MAY THE CHEMTRAILS GIVE HEMORRHOIDS TO THE SHEEPLE |
Piper Posted: Jul 14 2008, 12:10 AM Group: Members I wish someone would come out with a good DVD-length 9/11 documentary containing less misinformation/disinformation than Loose Change, In Plane Site, 9/11 Mysteries or the Alex Jones stuff. The upcoming September Clues DVD sounds promising but it only covers the TV and video fakery angle. Maybe only the perps can afford high production costs and arrange for widespread dissemination through YouTube and other online coverage? |
webfairy Posted: Jul 14 2008, 10:05 PM Group: Members There was no "Molten steel" That was just excuse for the persistant fuming. This is a picture they tried to pass off as formerly molten metal. Notice the steel rebar and brightly rusted scrap have not melted. The metal isn't melted. It is suspended in concrete which appears to have melted. and conjealed.