David Ray Griffin on Gianni Hayes,
24 September 2008
by Russ Gerst
24 September 2008
by Russ Gerst
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David Ray Griffin on Gianni Hayes, 24 September 2008 by Russ Gerst |
September 30, 2008
David Ray Griffin on Gianni Hayes,
24 September 2008 by Russ Gerst
30 September 2008
Introduction This article has been written to describe an interview by Dr. Gianni D. Hayes with Dr. David Ray Griffin on Wed., September 24, 2008, on her internet radio show "New World Order Disorder." This show airs regularly on Wednesday evenings at 8 PM Eastern time. Below is a link to archives of this show: http://nwodisorder.avrnlive.com/gianni.xml
The reason this interview is of interest relates to the questions that I submitted to Dr. Hayes prior to the show as well as those of the callers on the show and Dr. Griffins responses to them. As many who have considered the fact that 9/11/01 may not have been caused by terrorists on planes and fires, it is important to consider the possibility that those injected into the side of truth may have ulterior motives. The expectation for anyone investing their time (particularly in the volumes that would be required to write seven books) as Dr. Griffin has, one would expect him to be quite interested in all pieces of information and be extremely consistent in his willingness to get to the bottom of the situation. That the 9/11 Commission has been proven to have been corrupt and complicit has been proven by the simple fact that eight buildings were destroyed on 9/11/01 and not one of them has been adequately investigated with findings consistent with the physical data. That five of them have been largely ignored begs the question of those in the "official" truth movement who simply ignore these "small" details. Further, lest anyone honestly believe that the events of 9/11/01 might be fairly investigated by any governmental entity that will not entertain and address all plausible scenarios is risking looking like a fool. The only option for the world at large is for independent researchers to analyze and assess all of the physical phenomena that may be observed via pictorial and video evidence. Said evidence must be consistent within the framework of all pictorial evidence (meaning Photo Shopped or otherwise enhanced pictures must be eliminated as evidence) and cherry-picking cannot be accepted. Below you will find an analysis of the questions that I provided to Dr. Hayes for Dr. Griffin, his answers to the first two as well as the issues noted in numbers 3 and 6 via other callers or the host: |
index Questions for Dr. Griffin
Second hour of the show, with David Ray Griffin
Early in the interview, Dr. Hayes cited my questions and asked the first 2 early in the show along with other intermittent callers. In this article, I will cite the topics, include clips of the audio as support for the question as well as the answer, and then provide support that contradicts Dr. Griffins responses, or in those cases where Dr. Griffin declined to comment/provide support for the question asked. Based upon this level of detail, I will then draw conclusions concerning the interview, the interviewer, the interviewee, as well as the callers.. As the interview started, Dr. Hayes discussed Dr. Griffins background as well as his participation in the analysis of the official account of the events of September 11, 2001. She then indicated she had questions from some of her listeners which she wished to ask of Dr. Griffin. As you can tell from the following segment of the show, the questions asked were mine and read essentially verbatim. index Question 1: Who profits?
Dr. Griffin comments here:
Griffin has written seven books on 9/11 and supposedly, according to him, has tremendous evidence that the official story is false, yet he has not filed suit against those who wrote the report. He points the finger at the neocons, but what specific direct evidence does he have to pursue them? Much of what he includes in his books is hearsay and inconsistent with all of the physical anomalies at Ground Zero in particular. If he has evidence, why not pursue the perpetrators in court? Why wait for another Commission-like governmental whitewash investigation? Further, Dr. Griffin has written seven books and profited from their sales. index Question 2: Pile size?
Dr. Griffin comments here:
According to Dr. Griffin, the piles for the Twin Towers were 4-6 stories high. The pictures below show that the piles were only 1-2 stories high within hours of the destruction . See the 2nd floor skywalk in the background below. This picture is from mid-day 9/11 (notice WTC7 still standing in background with Building 6 to its left in the foreground). Building 6 is eight stories tall and it towers over the remnants of Tower 1. Recall that the Poseidens forks were the lobby area of the Towers and they stand well above any debris pile as shown in figures 3 and 4. Did they haul the buildings away that day? See for yourself:
Here is a photo of the remains of Tower 1:
No Debris Pile Where does Dr. Griffin get 4-6 stories? I have found no pictures that show them to be that high. How is it that Dr. Griffin has not looked at pictures of the subbasements which shows that the basements were not full, but in fact, were quite undamaged, relatively speaking, when compared to the complete elimination of most of the debris? How can Dr. Griffin make the statement that there is only one way to destroy the building or slice steel. He speculates on thermite/thermate, yet will not speculate on Directed Energy when the evidence has been presented. Further, he makes the statement that we dont need to understand what happened, only that the official story is not true. If those who seek the truth about 9/11 do not understand what did or did not happen, how can they expect to hold accountable, those who perpetrated the events of 9/11. Lastly, he indicates that the cement was turned into very fine dust. It is understood that thermite/thermate can melt steel, but what does it do to cement? If explosives were used in conjunction with thermite/thermate, how were they able to turn all of the concrete into very fine dust? Typically, explosives break things up at the time of the explosion and is inconsistent in the pattern that materials are broken apart. Evidence suggests that the fine dust that Dr. Griffin speaks of settled out of the air rather quickly, indicating that it was more coarse, then further broke down after settling on the ground. This would support the evidence that the dust that remained could no longer quickly settle out of the air as supported by pictorial evidence.
Question 3: Speculation on $$, Iraq?
Dr. Hayes asks questions from the chatroom
Dr. Griffin comments here:
Dr. Griffins response to the hypothetical that Iraq was the purpose for 9/11 is highly speculative. It would appear to go to motive, but for whom? What specific evidence does Dr. Griffin site that proves that the physical destruction at Ground Zero was caused by members of the Bush Administration? index Question 4 Brian asks about Secondary Devices Dr. Griffin comments here:
The co-host, Brian, asks about reports of explosive devices in the buildings. Dr. Griffin speculates (he said he doesnt do this) that the sounds heard by the rescuers was related to explosives, though he doesnt have any specific proof of that. On the other hand, there were pressure tanks of many types within the buildings that could have been thinning just as the metal was disintegrating during the destruction that may have burst prior to the buildings disappearing. This would be consistent with the Scot Pak question later in the interview. These tanks were exploding on the fire trucks surrounding Ground Zero. What would cause this phenomena other than thinning of the canisters to the point that they burst? Again, all data must be taken into account and the only explanation that one garners from the Scot Pak thinning away from the buildings themselves would be that they were being affected by the same phenomena found in the buildings. index Question 5 Molten Metal
Dr. Griffin comments here:
Dr. Hayes asks a very specific question about the molten metal and the fact that people were walking on the super hot pile. She correctly asks why people werent severely burned or cooked. Dr. Griffin avoids the idea that people would have been burned and quickly points out that boots were melting, which suggests they were touching hot debris. The problem with that thinking is that if the boots were melting from heat, the feet within them would have been severely burned. Would you walk in your barbeque grill for any period of time? The person whose feet were in the boots would have been overwhelmed by the tremendous heat required to melt the boots. If the ground was that hot, you couldnt be there. I have worked over a grill cooking hundreds of hamburgers for a fundraiser and could only stand it for a few seconds and the hair on my hands burned off. Think of this. Would you put your hand in water that was just below the boiling point? I wouldnt as you would be scalded. If the ground was hot enough to melt the boots, it would have been far hotter than that. Further, if it was that hot, why didnt water from the water main break at GZ blamed by NIST for the failure of the lower level sprinklers in WTC7 have caused huge steam explosions as was seen at Grand Central station in July, 2007 when cool water was pumped into steam pipes? Not only that, it rained and water was sprayed on the pile. No steam explosions at 212 degrees F. We certainly would have expected this. That they were able to comfortably walk around in boots that deteriorated as if melted, it begs the question: Were the boots disintegrating from some other effects, not from heat? Could it be that whatever turned thousands of tons of steel and concrete to dust may have broken down the material in the boots as it came in contact with the affected materials that continued to break down at normal outdoor temperatures? index Question 6 about the four planes being shot down: Dr. Griffin comments here:
The data related to this specific question again is highly speculative. That evidence against planes would suggest that no planes crashed into the towers as evidenced by the wrong sized holes, lack of deceleration into the buildings, Shanksville, PA, and the Pentagon. Dr. Griffin says that he tries to stay away from trying to figure out what happened, but that he does use the work of a select few researchers. If he supports any speculation, then why not start digging into what is and is not valid speculation based on the pictorial record and eliminate unsubstantiated theories such as those like thermite that cannot support such things as the toasted cars, flipped cars, fires on metal objects that do not blow up gasoline or burn paper. Who are the right people that need to be convince that the official story is false and a new official investigation is needed that Dr. Griffin is talking about? The perps? index
Question 7 Brian's Question concerning Post 9/11 Events
Dr. Griffin comments here:
This entire conversation is speculative. Dr. Griffin says he doesnt know and stays with things he understands. His speculation on Cheney and Myers is just that. It does not connect physical evidence to them in any way. All hearsay. Dr. Griffin talked about turning steel to Swiss cheese. Metal would not evaporate (thin), it would weaken and break. If the metal was attacked and repelled its own molecules, it would essentially fume itself away, which was observed in the pictorial evidence. He also says that the steel, as it was cut, was very, very hot. Is there evidence of this or is this speculation? Did people walk on the pile? Pictorial evidence says yes. Were hydraulic equipment used on the pile? This equipment would have been damaged at temps below 200 degrees Fahrenheit. There is no evidence that people were severely burned being treated after the demolitions. People didnt cook on the missing piles of debris. Water stood in pools around the site and people were able to walk around in the basements as shown. Is it possible that Dr. Griffin is wishing to keep the listener from considering other methods for turning thousands of tons of steel, cement, filing cabinets, porcelain, etc. to dust? Why did Dr. Griffin discount directed energy when he said he had not looked into the idea and would not speculate on actually what happened when he does just that with thermite and explosives? Can he prove that the speculation that thermite and explosives were used to remove the volumes of cement (which was all turned to dust) and steel (which should have stood many, many stories high since it did not fall outside the footprint of the WTC complex)? Does this speculation take into account all the other unusual phenomena seen at or around Ground Zero (flipped cars, toasted cars, unusual steel bending, and spandrel rolling at 90 degree variance to the demolition wave. Why does he say we have enough evidence to require a new investigation when researchers are doing an independent investigation and finding the reasons for the destruction? What is his definition of enough? Should people analyzing the physical data stop? Why on earth would anyone do that or say that? No prosecutor goes to trial when additional research might be fruitful to make his case air tight. No prosecutor would go to trial without corroborating all of the evidence, lest some surprise might destroy his case. index
Question 7A Scott Paks
Dr. Griffin comments here:
Dr. Griffin avoids the question about Scot Paks despite being an authority. Explosions could have been air tanks exploding that were thinning from the same phenomena as the Swiss cheese beams where they finally became weak enough to give way. This was documented by firemen in their trucks in that their air tanks were blowing up.
Why did Griffin avoid Hurricane Erin? Why did he want to go back to the Russian thing? The piece of evidence that indicates a Hurricane was right off shore should surely be a huge piece of evidence. It indicates media complicity, weather control, and field effects as expected by the physical data analyses and magnetometer analysis on 9/11. index Question 7B Scott Paks
Dr. Griffin comments here:
This entire answer is speculation on ulterior motives. Again, this is circumstantial evidence that must be connected once the true perps are identified. This must occur after the World knows what exactly actually happened. Again, the detective work must be done first, then specific charges brought, then a trial against specific perpetrators. index Question 9 Question on PNAC/Zelikow Mythology Dr. Griffin comments here:
Again, this is highly speculative save for solid evidence tying the actual crimes to these documents and people. index Question 10 Brian Question on Post 9/11 Events Dr. Griffin comments here:
Again, this is highly speculative save for solid evidence tying the actual crimes to these documents and people. index Question 11 Caller (4) Questions the Pile Size Dr. Griffin comments here:
Dr. Griffin is asked about the size of the pile. Again, Dr. Griffin indicates that the pile was 4-6 stories high. He admits that everything, save all of the steel was turned to dust. This includes cement, office equipment, desks, computers, toilets, etc. How could that be? Since available evidence shows that the debris pile was less than two stories in height and that the basements were left intact, it stands to reason that much of the steel was turned to dust as well. This is confirmed by analysis of seismic data that indicates that when compared to the King Dome, the ground shaking from the Twin Towers at a minimum should have been around a 3.8 based on the difference in mass. Further, based on analysis of the fall times, all of the debris would have had to have hit the ground at roughly the same time based on observable data that the building fell from the top and reached the ground in freefall time. That the bottom of the building did not disappear until immediately before all of the debris hit the ground, then all of the debris (if it was still intact) would have had to have hit the ground all at one time which should have crushed the basements (evidence to the contrary exists above) and cause very significant noise (also not evident) and tremendous ground shaking (again not evident). index
Again, highly speculative. One cannot predict the future. index Conclusions As noted in my opening, I will now discuss the authenticity of the interview and the interviewer, the nature of the responses from the interviewee and my position on the entire show. First, based on the various questions asked, including my own, it would appear that the interview and the interviewers were innocent speculators on the events of 9/11. That Dr. Hayes read verbatim my first two questions and later asked her own question concerning molten metal and the heat of the pile, it would appear that her intentions concerning getting to the bottom of the physical evidence are sincere. It is quite evident that she has not taken the time to evaluate the only thorough analysis of the physical evidence only concerning Ground Zero presented by her previous guest on September 17, 2008, Dr. Judy Wood. Any analysis of the official story as well as any other theories concerning the building destruction at Ground Zero must be supported by all of the pictorial evidence. With that being said, the interviewee, Dr. David Ray Griffin, would appear to be disingenuous at best and specifically directly attempting to avoid the physical evidence at worst. The numerous points made during the interview in which such things as pile size, molten metal, Scot Pak explosions, Hurricane Erin analysis and Dr. Griffins specific avoidance or answers contrary to the available evidence would suggest that he has ulterior motivations for avoiding this evidence. He has held himself out as one of the leading researchers of the events of 9/11, yet specific verifiable evidence he has never looked at and considered to be speculative and unworthy of his time? That he will not speculate on what actually did occur at Ground Zero does not hold water since he does speculate on explosives and particularly the use of thermite/thermate being used to "cut" the steel while at the same time having no support for the self-professed complete disintegration of everything else in the buildings, except the paper that flew everywhere and was unburned. If Dr. Griffin is going to dismiss as speculative a theory that is fully supported by forensic analysis of the photographic, seismic, and magnetometric data, then he must be prepared to fully support scientifically those things that he does speculate on. He has not done so, yet continues to repeat the mantra of those whose speculation he supports. In summary, Dr. Griffin appears to be a very polished researcher on the events of 9/11/01. He has written and profited from the writing of numerous books on the subject. Yet, he is unfamiliar with particular photographic details of the evidence and is uninterested in specific data that might lead to a resolution of what exactly occurred on 9/11/01? That he would support another "official investigation" which has no better chance of determining who did what than the first one should be evident to everyone. It is unimaginable that specific evidence such as the media complicity in the cover-up of the Category 3 hurricane headed towards the Northeastern United States on 9/10/01 which made a U-turn on 9/11/01 after slowing, stabilizing, then moving out to sea; the ability to control a storm as evidenced by the four day march from Bermuda to the shores of New York and New Jersey; the lack of media concern about potentially catastrophic storm surge; and the supportable evidence of field effects at Ground Zero is mind-boggling. That evidence, supported by thousands of pictures, could be downplayed as speculative would appear to border on criminal. With that said, I conclude that Dr. Griffin is not in search of the truth behind 9/11/01 and further, it would appear that he is part of the official 9/11 Truth cover-up. His understanding of the subject could not allow him to ignore evidence, particularly that which discounts his own speculation. All who seek the truth should question his motivations. index Dustification
buildings dissolve into dust
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